Steady off
There is no power
3.1.12 UPEU
The universal power and environment interface unit (UPEU) for the BBU3900 converts -48 V
DC or +24 V DC power into +12 V DC power.
The UPEU is classified into four types: universal power and environment interface unit type a
(UPEUa), universal power and environment interface unit type b (UPEUb), universal power and
environment interface unit type c (UPEUc), and universal power and environment interface unit
type d (UPEUd). The UPEUa, UPEUc, and UPEUd convert -48 V DC power into +12 V DC
power, and the UPEUb co24 V DC power into +12 V DC power.
show the panels of the UPEUa, UPEUb, UPEUc, and
UPEUd, respectively.
Figure 3-31
UPEUa panel
(1) BBU power switch
(2) 7W2 connector
Figure 3-32
UPEUb panel
(1) BBU power switch
(2) 7W2 connector
BTS3900C (Ver.C)
Hardware Description
3 BTS3900C Modules
Issue 03 (2013-05-27)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.