M900/M1800 BTS3X Series Base Transceiver Station
Hardware Description Manual
3 Board
Issue 01 (2006-11-18)
Huawei Technologies Proprietary
Setting Method
Clock selection
If the BTS3012A is not used in a
cabinet group, all bits of S7 are set to
ON. Bits 3 and 4 of S1 on the TCU
(REV.B) must be set to ON. This case
indicates that the clock generated from
the TMU in this cabinet is directly sent
to TRX instead of being driven by the
If the BTS3012A is used in a cabinet
group, S7s of both the primary cabinet
and secondary cabinet are set to OFF.
This indicates that the BTS clock is
driven by the TCU.
Set the number of
OFF: 1
ON: 0
The binary bits are used to indicate the
cabinet number: Bit 1 is MSB (high
bit); Bit 4 is LSB (low bit);
The primary cabinet number is 0000.
All the four bits are set to ON.
The secondary cabinet number 1 is
0011, the DIP switch setting is: Bit 1:
OFF; Bit 2: OFF; Bit 3: ON; Bit 4: ON.
The secondary cabinet Number 2 is
0110, the DIP switch setting is: Bit 1:
ON; Bit 2: OFF; Bit 3: OFF; Bit 4: ON.
3.11 PBU
3.11.1 Functions
The PBU is the TRX output power amplifier designed for wide coverage. The PBU can
increase the effective radiation power of the antenna and the coverage of BTS. The maximum
output power is 49
1 dBm. The PBU consists of PA synthesizing module, alarm
management module, and power supply module. It can amplify one channel output power of
40 W TRX working at the GSM900 or the GSM1800.
3.11.2 Structure and Principle
shows the functional structure of the PBU.