All the pictures in this guide are for your reference only. The actual appearance and display features depend on the mobile phone you purchase.
Welcome to Huawei
Quick Start Guide
Ascend II
Phone number:
Страница 1: u Welcome to Huawei Quick Start Guide Ascend II Phone number ...
Страница 2: ...ll the pictures in this guide are for your reference only The actual appearance and display features depend on the mobile phone you purchase Huawei Technologies Co Ltd 2011 All rights reserved Write the Consultant s Contacts ...
Страница 3: ...m IfyouuseyourdevicetobrowsetheInternet avoidwebsitesthatmightposea securityrisktoavoidtheftofyourpersonalinformation IfyouuseservicessuchasWi FitetherorBluetooth setpasswordsforthese servicestopreventunauthorizedaccess Whentheseservicesarenotinuse turn themoff Installorupgradedevicesecuritysoftwareandregularlyscanforviruses Besuretoobtainthird partyapplicationsfromalegitimatesource Downloaded thi...
Страница 4: ...Screen Item 1 TouchandholdanitemontheHomescreenuntiltheitemexpandsinsizeand themobilephonevibrates 2 Withoutliftingyourfinger dragtheitemtothedesiredpositiononthescreen and thenreleaseit Removing a Screen Item 1 TouchandholdanitemontheHomescreenuntiltheitemexpandsandthe mobilephonevibrates 2 Withoutliftingyourfinger dragtheitemtothetrashcan Whentheitemandthe trashcanturnred theitemisreadytoberemov...
Страница 5: ...ibrates 3 Withoutliftingyourfinger dragtheicontothedesiredlocation andthenrelease it To move more icons repeat step 2 and 3 4 Touch ortouch tosave Making a Call with the Dialer Application 1 Touch Dialertodisplaythedialer 2 Touchtheappropriatenumerickeystoenterthephonenumber Your mobile phone supports the SmartDial function that is when you touch numbers on the dialer the phone automatically searc...
Страница 6: ...dress 4 Whenyouarefinished touchDonetosavethecontactinformation Editing a Contact You can make changes to the information you have stored for a contactat any time 1 Inthecontactslist touchandholdthecontactwhosedetailsyouwanttoedit and thentouchEditcontactintheoptionsmenu 2 Touchthecategoryofcontactinformationyouwishtochange name phone number emailaddress oranyotherinformationyourecordedearlier 3 M...
Страница 7: If not you will be prompted to backup any contacts stored in your phone online 3 YoucanuseyourphonenumberandPINtologintoyouraccountathttp mycontactsbackup uscellular comtoaddandeditcontactsonline Creating and Sending a Multimedia Message 1 Touch Messaging Newmessage 2 EnteraphonenumberintheTofield ortouch toselectacontactfrom Contacts 3 Touchthecompositiontextboxtostartenteringyourmessage 4 Tou...
Страница 8: ...helpsyousetupyouraccount Anumberofpopular emailsystemsaresupported Youcanworkwiththesameemailservicethatyouuse on your PC or you can selectanother email service 1 Touch Email 2 Tocustomizeyouremailsettings answertheonscreenprompts andthentouch Next OrtouchManualsetupifyouwanttosetthemailserveryourself If you choose to set up your account manually you will need the correct parameters for the accoun...
Страница 9: ... which allows you to create a wireless connection with other Bluetooth devices so you can share fileswith your friends talkhands free with a Bluetooth headset oreven transfer photoson your phone to your PC If you are using Bluetooth remember to stay within 10 meters 33 feet of other Bluetooth devices Be aware thatobstacleslike walls or other electronicequipment may interfere with your Bluetooth co...
Страница 10: ...honewillthenscanforBluetoothdevicesinrange 3 Touchthedeviceyouwanttopairwithyourmobilephone 4 Enterthepairingpasswordtocompletetheconnectionifnecessary Using Market Android Market provides direct accessto applications and games which you can download and install on your phone Opening Market 1 Touch Market 2 WhenyouopenMarketforthefirsttime theAndroidMarketTermsofService windowwillappear TouchAccep...
Страница 11: ...just the volume from the Home screen or any application screen except during a call or when playing music or videos Pressthe Volume keys to adjust volume tothelevelyou desire You can also adjustthe volume from the settings screen 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchSound Volume 2 Dragthesliderlefttomakethevolumelower orrighttomakeithigher 3 TouchOKtosavetheadjustment 3 5 Touch to customize the camera setti...
Страница 12: ... InordertouseYourNavigatorDeluxe youmustfirstturnonyourphones locationandGPSsettings Touch Settings Location security and activatethefollowingfunctionsasrequired Use wireless networks Allows applications such as Maps to detect your locationusingwirelessnetworks Whenyouactivatethisfunction adialogbox is displayed asking you whether you allow Google to collect your location data anonymously Use GPS ...
Страница 13: ...fthepacemakeranddonotcarrythedeviceinyourfront pocket Somewirelessdevicesmayaffecttheperformanceofhearingaids Foranysuch problems consultyourserviceprovider ToensurethattheHearingAidCompatibilityratingforyourdeviceismaintained secondarytransmitterssuchasBluetoothandWi Ficomponentsmustbe disabledduringacall Potentially Explosive Atmosphere Power offyour device in any area with a potentially explosi...
Страница 14: ...ormation consultthevehiclemanufacturer Inamotorvehicle donotplacethedeviceovertheairbagorintheairbag deploymentarea Otherwise thedevicemayhurtyouowingtothestrongforce whentheairbaginflates Donotuseyourdevicewhileflyinginanaircraft Poweroffyourdevicebefore boardinganaircraft Usingwirelessdevicesinanaircraftmaycausedangertothe operationoftheaircraftanddisruptthewirelesstelephonenetwork Itmayalsobe c...
Страница 15: ...t maypresent a choking hazard Ensure thatsmall children are kept away from the device and accessories Accessories Chooseonlybatteries chargers andaccessoriesapprovedforusewiththismodelby the device manufacturer The use of any other type of battery charger oraccessory may invalidate any warranty for the device may be in violation oflocal rules or laws and may be dangerous Please contact yourdealerf...
Страница 16: ...iceorbattery Ifthedeviceorbatteryisdropped especially onahardsurface andtheusersuspectsdamage takeittoaqualifiedservice centerforinspection Improperbatteryusemayresultinafire explosionorotherhazard Promptlydisposeofusedbatteriesinaccordancewithlocalregulations ThedeviceshouldonlybeconnectedtoproductsthatbeartheUSB IFlogoor havecompletedtheUSB IFcomplianceprogram Onlyusethebatterywithachargingsyste...
Страница 17: ...ger Otherwise partsofthe devicemaybedamagedorafirecanbecaused Youcancleanthedeviceand thechargerwithapieceofdampandsoftantistaticcloth Donotdismantlethedeviceoraccessories Otherwise thewarrantyonthe deviceandaccessoriesisinvalidandthemanufacturerisnotliabletopayforthe damage Ifthedevicescreenisbrokenbycollidingwithhardobjects donottouchortryto removethebrokenpart Inthiscase stopusingthedeviceimmed...
Страница 18: ...identialinstallation This equipmentgenerates usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications However there isno guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation Ifthisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception which can be determin...
Страница 19: ...alabel locatedon thebox Theratingsare not guarantees Results will varydependingonthe user s hearing deviceandhearingloss Ifyourhearing device happens to be vulnerable to interference you may not be able to use a rated phone successfully Tryingoutthephonewithyourhearingdeviceisthebestwaytoevaluate itfor your personal needs M Ratings Phonesrated M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to gener...
Страница 20: ...tions panel Then touch the current call notificationto return tothecallingscreen How do I create an application shortcut on the Home screen Touch and hold an application icon on the main menu screen until the Home screen isdisplayed Then drag the icon where you wantit to go and release your finger How do I hide the keyboard Touch to hide the keyboard How do I forward a message Touch and hold a mes...
Страница 21: ...iesCo Ltd doesnotowntheintellectualpropertyofthethird party software and applications that are delivered with this product Therefore Huawei Technologies Co Ltd will not provideanywarranty of any kind forthese third party softwareandapplications NeitherwillHuaweiTechnologiesCo Ltd providesupport tocustomerswhousethesethird partysoftwareandapplications norberesponsible or liable for the functions of...