Huawei Ascend II M865 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 25


1. Connect the TTY device to the headset jack of the phone and set the phone to the 

TTY mode.

2. Make or answer calls as normal.
3. When the call is put through, use the TTY device to send or receive the letters.
4. Press the 


 to end the call.

3.6.2  Setting the TTY Mode

1. Touch 




Call settings


TTY mode


2. Select one TTY mode.



: The standard voice speaking mode and the listening mode.


TTY Full

: Transmit and receive the TTY characters.



: Transmit TTY characters but receive by listening to the earpiece.



: Receive TTY characters but transmit by speaking into the 


3.7  Setting Hearing Aid Compatibility





Call settings


Hearing aids

 to set your phone to be 

compatible with a hearing aid.

4  Contacts



 application enables you to save and manage information such as 

phone numbers and addresses of your contacts. After you save contact information 
on your mobile phone, you have easy access to the people with whom you want to 

4.1  Opening the Contacts Application

If you have a new mobile phone and have not yet added any contacts, 



displays a message with hints on how to start adding contacts to your mobile phone.



 to open the 



All of your contacts are displayed alphabetically in a list that you can scroll through.

Содержание Ascend II M865

Страница 1: ou Welcome to HUAWEI User Guide Ascend II Model HUAWEI M865 ...

Страница 2: ... Unlocking the Screen 11 2 6 Home Screen 12 2 7 Application List 16 2 8 Using a microSD Card 16 3 Calling 17 3 1 Making a Call 17 3 2 Answering or Rejecting a Call 18 3 3 Other Operations During a Call 19 3 4 Using Call log 20 3 5 Using Airplane Mode 20 3 6 TTY Operation 20 3 7 Setting Hearing Aid Compatibility 21 4 Contacts 21 4 1 Opening the Contacts Application 21 4 2 Adding a Contact 22 4 3 In...

Страница 3: ...and MMS 28 6 2 Email 30 7 Getting Connected 33 7 1 Turning on the Data Service 33 7 2 Wi Fi 33 7 3 Sharing Your Phone s Data Connection 34 7 4 Browser 35 7 5 Bluetooth 37 8 Entertainment 38 8 1 Taking Photos and Recording Videos 38 8 2 Using the Gallery 40 8 3 Enjoying Music 41 9 Google Services 43 9 1 Creating a Google Account 43 9 2 Using Gmail 44 9 3 Using Talk 45 9 4 Using Maps 46 9 5 Using Yo...

Страница 4: ...6 11 5 Using the Calculator 58 11 6 Using the Richpad 58 12 Managing Your Mobile Phone 59 12 1 Setting the Date and Time 59 12 2 Setting the Display 59 12 3 Setting Ringers 59 12 4 Setting Phone Services 60 12 5 Setting Text to Speech 61 12 6 Protecting Your Mobile Phone 62 12 7 Managing Applications 63 12 8 Resetting Your Mobile Phone 64 12 9 Online Update 65 13 Appendix 66 13 1 Warnings and Prec...

Страница 5: ...when it is prohibited to use phones or when the phone may cause interference or danger Do not use your mobile phone while driving Follow any rules or regulations in hospitals and health care facilities Switch off your mobile phone near medical apparatus Switch off your mobile phone in aircraft The phone may cause interference to control equipment of the aircraft Switchoffyour mobile phonenearhigh ...

Страница 6: ...lectromagnetic field Do not place magnetic storage media near your mobile phone Radiation fromthe phone mayerasethe informationstored onthem Donotputyourmobilephoneinahigh temperatureplaceoruseitin a place with flammable gas such as a gas station Keepyourmobilephoneanditsaccessoriesawayfromchildren Do not allow children to use your mobile phone without guidance Use only approved batteries and char...

Страница 7: ...providers Someapplicationsrequireandtransmitlocationinformation Asaresult athird partymaybeabletoshareyourlocationinformation Yourdevicemayprovidedetectionanddiagnosticinformationtothird party applicationproviders Thirdpartyvendorsusethisinformationtoimprovetheir productsandservices Ifyouhaveconcernsaboutthesecurityofyourpersonalinformationanddata pleasecontactmobile huawei com 1 3 Legal Notice Co...

Страница 8: ...uaweiTechnologiesCo Ltd providesupport tocustomerswhousethesethird partysoftwareandapplications norberesponsible or liable for the functions ofthese third party software and applications Third partysoftware and applications services may be interrupted or terminated at any time Huawei Technologies Co Ltd doesnot guarantee that any contentor servicewouldbemaintained forany period during its availabi...


Страница 10: ...Phone View 2 1 1 Phone at a Glance All the pictures in this guide are for your reference only The actual appearance and display features depend on the mobile phone you purchase 1 Earpiece 2 Home 3 Menu 4 Back 5 Search 6 Speaker 1 2 7 8 11 6 3 4 5 9 10 ...

Страница 11: ...lock the screen when your mobile phone is active Touch to return to the previous screen Touch to exit any application you are running Touch to hide the keyboard Touch to open the menu on an active screen Touch to return to the Home screen Touch and hold to show the most recently used applications Touch to open Google search for searching your mobile phone and the web Touch and hold to open Google ...

Страница 12: ...tery ensurethatithasbeenproperlyinsertedintoyourphone 1 ConnecttheUSBcablethatcamewithyourmobilephonetothecharger 2 ConnecttheUSBcabletoyourmobilephone Then plugintheconnectorofthe chargertoanelectricaloutlet Thephonebeginscharging 1 Remove the battery cover 2 3 Insert the microSD card 4 Install the battery Install the battery cover ...

Страница 13: ...lengthof time it can hold a charge The time required to charge the battery depends on the ambienttemperature and the age of the battery Whenthebatteryislowonpower thephoneplaysanalertanddisplaysaprompt When battery power is almost exhausted your phone will power off automatically 2 2 4 Battery Saving Tips Thelongevityofbatterypowerdependsonthenetworkthatyouconnectto andhow you use your mobile phon...

Страница 14: The setup wizard helps you Learnaboutyourmobilephone Createorsignintoyouraccount Makesomeinitialdecisionsabouthowyouwanttouseyourmobilephone 2 3 3 Powering Off Your Mobile Phone 1 Pressandhold toopenthePhoneoptionsmenu 2 TouchPoweroff 3 TouchOK 2 4 Using the Touchscreen 2 4 1 Touchscreen Actions Touch Usethetouchofyourfingertoselectanitem confirmaselection orstartan application Touchandhold Tou...

Страница 15: ...ay Auto rotatescreentodisablethefunction 2 5 Locking and Unlocking the Screen 2 5 1 Locking the Screen Whenyourphoneison press tolockthescreen Whenthescreenislocked you can still receive messages and calls If your phone is idle for a while the screen will lock automatically 2 5 2 Unlocking the Screen 1 Press towakeupthescreen 2 Dragthelockiconfromlefttorighttounlockthescreen If you have set up a s...

Страница 16: ... is on Missed call Connected to a PC GPS connected New chat message New voicemail New email Roaming Battery is charging Battery is full Battery is very low 10 23 Touch to view all your applications Shortcuts Notifications bar Displays the reminders and status icons of your phone Flick down to open the notifications panel Display area Shows the operation and display areas of your phone Indicates th...

Страница 17: ...anel 1 Whenanewnotificationiconappearsonthenotificationbar flickdowntoopenthe notificationspanel Touch Notifications to open the panel 2 Onthepanel youcan Touch a notification to open the related application Touch Clear to clear all notifications Closing the Notification Panel Flick up to close the panel Uploading Downloading Call mute Wi Fi network in range Memory is full Error New gmail More und...

Страница 18: ...ed You can also touch Addto display the Select action menu 2 SelectanitemtoaddittotheHomescreen Moving a Screen Item 1 TouchandholdanitemontheHomescreenuntiltheitemexpandsinsizeandthe mobilephonevibrates 2 Withoutliftingyourfinger dragtheitemtothedesiredpositiononthescreen and thenreleaseit Flick your finger left or right across the Home screen Touch to view thumbnails of the Home screen and its e...

Страница 19: ...dataservices You can also touch or to switch on or off corresponding services 2 6 6 Setting Home Screen Animations 1 OntheHomescreen touch Homesettings Animation 2 Selectananimation andthentouchSave 2 6 7 Changing the Wallpaper 1 OntheHomescreen touch Wallpaper 2 Touchoptiontoselectapictureandsetitasthewallpaper 2 6 8 Changing the Theme 1 OntheHomescreen touch Homesettings 2 Doanyofthefollowing To...

Страница 20: ...touch 2 Touchandholdtheiconyouwanttomoveintheapplicationlistuntiltheicons shake 3 Withoutliftingyourfinger dragtheicontothedesiredlocation andthenreleaseit To move more icons repeat step 2 and 3 4 Touch ortouch tosave 2 8 Using a microSD Card 2 8 1 Using the microSD Card as USB Mass Storage To transfer all your favorite music and pictures from your PC to your mobile phone s microSDcard setthe micr...

Страница 21: ...nt Whenyouareonacall youcananswerother incoming calls or send them to your voicemail box You can also set up conference calls with several participants 3 1 Making a Call Tomakeacall youcanusetheDialerapplication orselectanumberfrom Contacts or Calllog When you are on a call you can touch to use other functions To return to the calling screen flick thenotification bardownand touchCurrent call Donot...

Страница 22: ...thecontactlist If you are already working withDialer or Call log touch the Contacts tab 2 Inthelist touchthecontactyouwanttocall 3 Touch todialthephonenumber 3 1 3 Making a Call from Call log 1 IfyouarealreadyworkingwithContactsorDialer touchtheCalllogtab 2 Touch totherightofthelogentrytodial If you touch and hold a log entry the options menu will open 3 2 Answering or Rejecting a Call 3 2 1 Answe...

Страница 23: ...tiplecallers Contact your network operator to learn if conference calls are supported and if yes how many can participate 1 Toinitiateaconferencecall dialthenumberofthefirstparticipant Afteryouhave connectedtothefirstparticipant keeptheconnectionopen touchAddcall 2 Enterthephonenumberofthenextpersonyouwanttojointheconversationand touch orselectsomeonefromyourCalllogorContacts Thefirstparticipant i...

Страница 24: ...tact list 3 4 1 Adding an entry to Contacts 1 IfyouarealreadyworkingwithDialerorContacts touchtheCalllogtab 2 Touchandholdtheentryyouwanttoadd 3 TouchAddtocontactsintheoptionsmenu 4 TouchCreatenewcontactorscrollthroughthecontactlistandtouchanexisting contactname 3 5 Using Airplane Mode Somelocationsmayrequireyoutoturnoffyourphone swirelessconnections Rather than powering offyour phone you can plac...

Страница 25: ... into the microphone 3 7 Setting Hearing Aid Compatibility Touch Settings Callsettings Hearingaids to set your phone to be compatible with a hearing aid 4 Contacts TheContactsapplication enables you to save and manage information such as phone numbers and addressesof your contacts After you save contact information on your mobile phone you have easy access to the people with whom you wantto commun...

Страница 26: ...ntact andthentouchthestartotherightofthecontact sname Thestar turns gold 4 3 Indexing Contacts You can index yourContacts to quicklyfind yourdesired contact 1 Touch Contacts 2 Touchormoveanyletterinthealphabettolistallcontactsstartingwiththeletter 4 4 Searching for a Contact 1 Inthecontactlist touch Search 2 Enterthenameofthecontactyouwishtosearchfor Asyoutype contactswith matchingnamesappearbelow...

Страница 27: ...Through Quick Contact for Android 1 Touchthecontact spictureorpictureframe ifyouhavenotassignedapictureto thecontact toopenQuickContactforAndroid 2 Touchtheiconforthewayyouwanttocommunicatewiththecontact Theiconsavailabledependontheinformationyouhaveenteredforthecontact the applications on your phone and the accounts you have 4 6 2 Communicating with a Contact 1 Inthecontactslist touchthecontactth...

Страница 28: ...redchangestothegroupinformation andthentouchDone To cancelallchangesyoumadetothegroupinformation touchCancel 4 8 3 Adding a Contact to Your Groups To add a contactto yourgroups you can do any of the following Touch and hold the contact you want to add to Groups Then touch Add to groups When editing a group press and then touch Add Members to select the contacts you want to add to group 4 9 Joining...

Страница 29: ...ts you can see thatthe contact isjoined together by two contacts 4 9 2 Separating Contacts If contact information from differentsources was joined togetherwith error you can separate the contacts 1 Touch Contacts 2 Touchacontacttobeseparated 3 TouchNJoinedContacts 4 Selectacontact andthenitisseparated The contactis then separated into two contacts and displayed as two contactsin Contacts 4 10 Stay...

Страница 30: ...TouchandholdthespacewhereyouenteryourtextuntiltheEdittextmenuis displayed 2 TouchInputmethod 3 Selecttheinputmethod The keyboard panel will be displayed automatically 5 1 2 Using the Android Keyboard q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k z x c v b n m 123 l Touch once to capitalize the next letter you type Touch and hold for all caps Touch to change from text mode to symbol number mode Touch to ente...

Страница 31: ...ange from text mode to symbol number mode Touch to insert a space Touch to delete a character to the left of the cursor Touch and hold to delete all characters to the left of the cursor EN bay To enter a word just drag your finger over the letters in the word I ll To capitalize go above the keypad To enter apostrophes in common words drag through the n To enter double letters circle the letter q w...

Страница 32: ...S with anyone using an SMS or MMS capable phone With the Email application you can read and send emails 6 1 SMS and MMS 6 1 1 Opening Messaging Touch Messaging 6 1 2 Creating and Sending a Text Message 1 Touch Messaging Newmessage 2 Enteraphonenumberoracontact snameintheTofield ortouch toselecta contactfromContacts As you enter the phone number or the contact s name the phone displays possible mat...

Страница 33: ...ies areendless 1 Touch Messaging Newmessage 2 EnteraphonenumberintheTofield ortouch toselectacontactfrom Contacts 3 Touchthecompositiontextboxtostartenteringyourmessage If you want to enter a smiley face touch and then touch Insert smiley 4 Touch todisplaytheoptionspanel TouchAddsubjecttoaddthemessagesubject Yourmobilephoneisnowin multimedia message mode Touch Attach to add a picture music or vide...

Страница 34: ...essage andthentouchSend Youcanalsodothefollowingtoreplytoamessage InMessaging touch Multiselect Select one or more message threads and then touch Reply 6 1 6 Copying a Text Message to Calendar 1 Inthemessagelist touchatextmessagethreadtoopenit 2 Touchandholdoneofthemessages andthentouchCopymessageto 3 TouchCalendartosaveitasanoteoranevent For information abouthow to useCalendar refer to the releva...

Страница 35: ...nameandthenameyouwantotherpeopletoseewhenthey receiveanemailfromyou 4 TouchDone Aftertheinitial setup yourEmail opensto the screen you were viewing the last time theapplicationwasopened If however theEmailapplicationhasnotbeenusedfor a period of time itdisplaysthe contents of your Inbox or the accounts screen if you have more than one account Adding Other Email Accounts 1 Aftercreatingyourinitiale...

Страница 36: ...uchtheemailaccountyouwanttouse 2 Touchtheemailmessageyouwanttoreplyto 3 TouchReplyorReplyalltoreplytotheemailmessage 6 2 5 Saving an Email Attachment 1 OntheAccountsscreen touchtheemailaccountyouwanttouse 2 Touchtheemailmessageyouwanttoview 3 TouchSavetodownloadtheemailattachment 6 2 6 Deleting an Email Account 1 Ontheaccountsscreen touchandholdtheemailaccountyouwanttodelete 2 TouchRemoveaccount 3...

Страница 37: ...uchWireless networks Mobilenetworks 3 SelecttheDataenabledcheckboxtoturnonthedataconnection 7 2 Wi Fi Wi Fi givesyou wirelessaccessto broadband Internet access To use Wi Fi onyour mobile phone you need to have an access to wireless access points hotspots Obstacles that block the Wi Fi signal will reduce its strength 7 2 1 Turning On Wi Fi 1 Touch Settings 2 TouchWireless networks andthenselecttheW...

Страница 38: ...onnection Youcanshareyourmobilephone sdataconnectionwithasinglecomputerviaaUSB cable USB tethering You can share your mobile phone s data connection with devices at the same time by turning your phone into a portable Wi Fi hotspot 7 3 1 Sharing Your Phone s Data Connection via USB To use USB tethering in different operating systems you may need to prepare your computer to establish a network conne...

Страница 39: ...serto access and browse the Internet 7 4 1 Opening the Browser Touch Browser to open the home page When the known or open Wi Fi networks and the mobile networks are present at the same time your phone will preferably select a Wi Fi network for internet access Open the browser options menu and perform one of the following operations touch Newwindow Touchtoopenanewwindow Bookmarks Touchtodisplaybook...

Страница 40: ...ks You can store asmany bookmarks asyou wanton your mobile phone Adding a Bookmark 1 Inabrowserscreen gotothewebpageyouwanttosaveasabookmark 2 Touch andthentouchBookmarks Add Theaddbookmarkscreen opens 3 EditthebookmarknameasneededandthentouchOK Opening a Bookmark 1 Inabrowserwindow touch andthentouchBookmarks On the Bookmarks screen touch the History tab to view the pages you have visited Or touc...

Страница 41: ...electtheDiscoverabletomakeyour mobilephonevisibletootherBluetoothdevices 7 5 2 Pairing and Connecting a Bluetooth Device Your mobile Bluetooth lets you do the following HandsFreeProfile HFP allowsyoutouseahands freeBluetoothdevice HeadsetProfile HSP allowsyoutouseamonoBluetoothheadset ObjectPushProfile OPP allowsyoutotransferfilesthroughBluetooth AdvancedAudioDistributionProfile A2DP allowsyoutous...

Страница 42: ...touchandholdthe connecteddevice You can also just touch a connected device to disconnect it 3 TouchUnpairtodisconnectthedevice 8 Entertainment In addition to being a communication device and personal assistant your mobile phone also providesyouwith amultitude ofentertainment possibilities Youcantake photos create videosand audio clips and download and listen to music 8 1 Taking Photos and Recordin...

Страница 43: ...nt You can take another photo or preview yourphotos 8 1 3 Viewing Your Photos 1 Aftertakingaphoto athumbnailofthephotoyouhavejusttakenisshowninthe upperrightcornerofthecapturescreen Touchthethumbnailtoviewit 2 Touchtheonscreenbuttontodoanyofthefollowing Touch Share to send the photo in a message or post it online Touch Delete to delete the photo Touch More Set asto set a picture as contact icon or...

Страница 44: ...e video Onthevideoplayingscreen touchthecontrolstoskipforwardorbackortoplay or pause the video 8 2 Using the Gallery Your Galleryapplication can automatically search for picturesand videoson your mobile phoneand microSDcard UseGalleryto sortphotos and videosinto folders view and editpictures watch videos and seta picture as wallpaper or asa photo for a contact 8 2 1 Opening the Gallery Touch Galle...

Страница 45: ...portionofthepicturetocrop Drag from the inside of the cropping tool to move it Drag an edge of the cropping tool to resize the image Drag a corner of the cropping tool to resize the image without changing the length to width ratio 3 TouchSavetosavethecroppedpicture TouchDiscardtodiscardthechanges 8 3 Enjoying Music You can download music files to your PCor inserta CD and copy the files to your mic...

Страница 46: listening to music touch to use another application Your music continues to play To return to the music controls open the notification panel and then touch the song 8 3 4 Adding Music to a Playlist 1 Touchacategoryonthemusiclibraryscreen 2 Inthelistthatappears selectthesongyouwanttoaddtotheplaylist 3 Touchandholdthesong andthentouchAddtoplaylistintheoptionsmenu Touch Current playlist to add the...

Страница 47: ...If you do not have a Google account you can create one 1 Afterreadingthesetupinformation touchNext 2 TouchCreate 3 Enterafirstname lastname andusernameforyourGoogleaccount andthen touchNext ThemobilephonewillconnecttotheGoogleservertocheckwhether theusernameisavailable Iftheusernameyouenteredisalreadyinuse youwillbe promptedtochooseanotheroneorselectonefromalist 4 EnterandconfirmyourGoogleaccountp...

Страница 48: ...ttoread 9 2 3 Creating and Sending an Email 1 Inthemaillist touch andthentouchCompose 2 Enterthemessagerecipient semailaddressintheTofield Ifyouaresendingthe emailtoseveralrecipients separatetheemailaddresseswithcommas Youcan addasmanymessagerecipientsasyouwant If you want to send a copy Cc or a blind copy Bcc of the email to other recipients touch and then touch Add Cc Bcc 3 Entertheemailsubjecta...

Страница 49: ...ourGmail 9 3 Using Talk TalkisGoogle s instant messaging service You can use it to communicate in real time with otherpeople usingTalk on a phone or on the web 9 3 1 Opening Talk Touch Talkto open the application YourTalkaccountis based onthe Googleaccountyousetup withyour mobile phone 9 3 2 Adding a Friend 1 Inthefriendslist touch andthentouchAddfriend 2 EntertheTalkinstantmessagingIDorGoogleemai...

Страница 50: ...alk 9 4 Using Maps Mapslets you find yourcurrent location view real time traffic conditions depending onavailability inyourlocale and get detaileddirections tovarious destinations on a satellite traffic orother kind ofmap 9 4 1 Enabling Location Source Beforeyou openMapstofind yourlocationorsearch forplacesofinterest youmust enable location source IM notifications Select the check box to receive a...

Страница 51: ...icationwillshowwhereitisonthemap 9 4 4 Getting Directions 1 Whileviewingamap touch andthentouchDirections 2 Enterthestartingpointinthefirsttextbox andthenenteryourdestinationinthe secondtextbox 3 Touchtheiconforcar publictransit orwalkingdirections 4 TouchGetdirections Yourdirectionswillappearinalist 5 Touchadirectionitemonthelisttoshowitonthemap 6 Whenyoufinishviewingorfollowingthedirections touc...

Страница 52: ...bescreen select a video clip and touchMore Share 9 6 Using Market Android Market provides direct accessto applications and games which you can download and install on your phone 9 6 1 Opening Market 1 Touch Market 2 WhenyouopenMarketforthefirsttime theAndroidMarketTermsofService windowwillappear TouchAccepttocontinue 9 6 2 Searching for Applications There are a few different waysto find applicatio...

Страница 53: ...omthesamedeveloper linktothe developer swebsite orsendthedeveloperanemail 4 Toinstalltheitem touchFREE OK iftheitemisfree orBuy whicheveris displayed 5 Tochecktheprogressofadownload openthenotificationpanel Mostapplications areinstalledwithinseconds Tostopanitemfromdownloading touchCancel 6 Aftertheapplicationhasbeendownloadedandinstalledonyourmobilephone the contentdownloadiconappearsinthenotific...

Страница 54: ... your personal Google account so your personal email contacts and calendarare always available You could then add a work account so your work related emails and work contactsare handy If you like you may add multiple Google accounts or other accounts 10 1 1 Adding an Account When you add an account Contactscompares contactsfrom the newly synchronized account with contacts from your existing mobile...

Страница 55: phone Ifyouattempttoremovecertainaccounts all personalinformationassociated with itwill be deleted YoucanonlyremoveaGmailaccountbyresettingthephonetofactorydefaults 1 OntheAccounts syncsettingsscreen touchtheaccounttodelete 2 TouchRemoveaccount 3 Confirmthatyouwanttoremovetheaccount 10 2 Customizing Your Account Synchronization You can configure background data use and synchronization optio...

Страница 56: ...ther For example whenthis optionis selected changesthatyou make inContacts on the phone are automatically made in Google Contacts on the web 10 2 2 Changing an Account s Synchronization Settings 1 OntheAccounts syncsettingsscreen touchtheaccountwhose synchronizationsettingsyouwanttochange Thedataandsynchronizationscreen opens displayingalistofthekindsofinformationtheaccountcansynchronize 2 Selecte...

Страница 57: ...darview touch ThentouchNeweventtoopentheEvent detailsscreen 2 Entertheeventname If there is a time frame for the event touch From and To to set the beginning and end times of the event If the event is a special occasion such as a birthday or a day long activity set the date for From and To and then select the All day check box 3 Enterthelocationoftheeventandadescription 4 Ifyouhavemorethanonecalen...

Страница 58: ...ed by account Calendars for accounts you have configured not to synchronize Calendar events are not included in the list 2 Touchtheiconnexttoacalendartochangewhetheritissynchronizedand whetheritisdisplayed You remain subscribed to Calendars that you configure not to store on the phone and you can still work with them with Google Calendar on the web 3 TouchOK 11 2 5 Customizing the Calendar Setting...

Страница 59: ...information 11 3 2 Opening the Alarms On the Clockscreen touch to open the Alarms Adding an Alarm 1 Onthealarmlistscreen touchAddalarm 2 Setthealarm andthentouchDone Setting an Alarm 1 Onthealarmlistscreen touchoneofthealarmsonthescreen 2 TouchTimetosetthetimeofthealarm 3 TouchRepeattosetthedayswhenyouwantthealarmtosound 4 TouchRingtonetoselectaringtoneforthealarm 5 SelecttheVibratecheckboxtohavet...

Страница 60: ...ndthen touchCutorCopy 2 Touchthefileorfolderyouwanttomoveorcopy Whenselected acheckmarkwill appear Toselectallfiles press toopentheoptionspanel ThentouchSelectallto select all files in a folder touch Unselect all to cancel the selection 3 Press toopentheoptionspanel andthentouchDonetocutorcopythefile 4 Nowselectthepathtowhereyouwantthefiletobecopiedormoved Press toopentheoptionspanel andthentouchP...

Страница 61: Whenafileisselected acheck markwillappear To select all files and folders Touch Select all Touch Unselect all to cancel the selection 3 Touch Done 4 Editthesavepathandthenameofthetargetfile andthentouchOKtostart compressingthefilesandfolders Extracting a File 1 Touchandholdacompressedfile 2 TouchExtract 3 Editthesavepathforextractedfiles 4 TouchOKtostartextracting 11 4 6 Viewing Your Memory Sta...

Страница 62: ...hpadcombinestextnote and paint note functions Itlists all notesin a linear structure You can add edit and delete notes You can touch any button on the screen to use the Richpad 1 Touch Richpadtoopentheapplication 2 Touch andthentouchAddtextnoteorAddpaintnotetocreateanote While you are editing a text note you can touch to change the background change the font or insert an icon While you are editing...

Страница 63: ...ess 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchDisplay Brightness 2 Dragthesliderlefttomakethescreendarker orrighttomakeitbrighter 3 TouchOKtosavetheadjustment 12 2 2 Adjusting the Time Before the Screen Turns Off Ifyourmobilephoneisidleforseveralminutes itwillturnoffthescreentosavebattery power To seta longer or shorteridle time do the following 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchDisplay Screentimeout 2 Selecttheduratio...

Страница 64: ...theringtoneyouwanttouse andthentouchOK Theringtoneplayswhen selected 12 3 4 Changing the Message Ringtone 1 OntheHomescreen touch Messaging 2 Inthemessagelist touch Settings Selectringtone 3 Touchtheringtoneyouwanttouse andthentouchOK Theringtoneplayswhen selected 12 3 5 Setting Your Phone to Vibrate for Incoming Calls 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchSound 2 TouchVibrate andthenselectoneoftheoptions 12...

Страница 65: ...Speech UsetheText to SpeechsettingstoconfiguretheAndroidtext to speechsynthesizer for applications that can take advantage of this feature 12 5 1 Installing Voice Data 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchVoiceinput output Text to speechsettings Installvoicedata 2 Ifyourmobilephonedoesnothavespeechsynthesizerdatainstalled connectto AndroidMarketandletitguideyouthroughtheprocessofdownloadingand installingthe...

Страница 66: ...enprompted drawthescreenunlockpatternagain andthentouchConfirm Tochangeyourunlockscreenpattern touchLocation security Changescreen lock 12 6 2 Protecting Your Mobile Phone with a numeric PIN You can set up a numeric PIN to lock your phone 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchLocation security Setupscreenlock PIN 2 Enteratleastfourcharacters 3 TouchContinue 4 EnterthesamecharactersagainandtouchOK To change y...

Страница 67: ...plication 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchApplications Manageapplications 2 Touchanapplication andthentouchUninstall YoucanalsotouchandholdanitemontheHomescreenuntiltheSelectaction menu is displayed and then touch Uninstall application to uninstall the application 12 7 3 Moving an Application to microSD card Some applications are designed to be stored on your phone s USB storage or SD card depending on...

Страница 68: ...g Your Mobile Phone 12 8 1 Backing Up My Data YoucanuseyourGoogleaccounttobackupyourmobilephone ssettingstoGoogle servers If youreplace your mobilephone thesettings you have backed up will be transferred to the new mobile phone the firsttimeyousign in to yourGoogle account 1 OntheSettingsscreen touchPrivacy 2 SelecttheBackupmydatacheckbox 12 8 2 Restoring Factory Data If you reset your phone to th...

Страница 69: ...e isnew software available the version information appears and prompts you to update You can also touch Settings About phone SoftwareUpdateto check whetherthe new software isavailable 1 Back up you personal information All personal information will be removed after the update 2 Make sure that your microSD card has sufficient space to store the new software version 3 Perform the online update follo...

Страница 70: ...nyourfrontpocket Somewirelessdevicesmayaffecttheperformanceofhearingaids Foranysuch problems consultyourserviceprovider ToensurethattheHearingAidCompatibilityratingforyourdeviceismaintained secondarytransmitterssuchasBluetoothandWi Ficomponentsmustbedisabled duringacall Potentially Explosive Atmosphere Power offyour device in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere and comply with all sig...

Страница 71: ...nformation consultthevehiclemanufacturer Inamotorvehicle donotplacethedeviceovertheairbagorintheairbag deploymentarea Otherwise thedevicemayhurtyouowingtothestrongforce whentheairbaginflates Donotuseyourdevicewhileflyinginanaircraft Poweroffyourdevicebefore boardinganaircraft Usingwirelessdevicesinanaircraftmaycausedangertothe operationoftheaircraftanddisruptthewirelesstelephonenetwork Itmayalsobe...

Страница 72: maypresent a choking hazard Ensure thatsmall children are kept away from the device and accessories Accessories Chooseonlybatteries chargers andaccessoriesapprovedforusewiththismodelby the device manufacturer The use of any other type of battery charger oraccessory may invalidate any warranty for the device may be in violation oflocal rules or laws and may be dangerous Please contact yourdealer...

Страница 73: ...eviceorbattery Ifthedeviceorbatteryisdropped especially onahardsurface andtheusersuspectsdamage takeittoaqualifiedservice centerforinspection Improperbatteryusemayresultinafire explosionorotherhazard Promptlydisposeofusedbatteriesinaccordancewithlocalregulations ThedeviceshouldonlybeconnectedtoproductsthatbeartheUSB IFlogoor havecompletedtheUSB IFcomplianceprogram Onlyusethebatterywithachargingsys...

Страница 74: ...rger Otherwise partsofthe devicemaybedamagedorafirecanbecaused Youcancleanthedeviceandthe chargerwithapieceofdampandsoftantistaticcloth Donotdismantlethedeviceoraccessories Otherwise thewarrantyonthedevice andaccessoriesisinvalidandthemanufacturerisnotliabletopayforthedamage Ifthedevicescreenisbrokenbycollidingwithhardobjects donottouchortryto removethebrokenpart Inthiscase stopusingthedeviceimmed...

Страница 75: ...residentialinstallation This equipmentgenerates usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications However there isno guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation Ifthisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception which can be deter...

Страница 76: ... been rated Phonesthat are rated have the rating on theirbox or alabel locatedon thebox Theratingsare not guarantees Results will varydependingonthe user s hearing deviceandhearingloss Ifyourhearing device happens to be vulnerable to interference you may not be able to use a rated phone successfully Tryingoutthephonewithyourhearingdeviceisthebestwaytoevaluate itfor your personal needs M Ratings Ph...

Страница 77: ...tifications panel and then touch the music playing notification to go to the musicplaying screen How do I return to the calling screen While on a call ifyou re on another screen you can touch the notification bar and drag downwards to open the notifications panel Then touch the current call notificationto return tothecallingscreen How do I create an application shortcut on the Home screen Touch an...

Страница 78: ...or your reference only The actual appearance and display features depend on the mobile phone you purchase Android is a trademark of Google Inc Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions Huawei Technologies Co Ltd 2011 All rights reserved ...
