Introduction to MBTS Commissioning In
Typical Scenarios
This section describes the solutions of MBTS commissioning in typical scenarios.
Introduction to Scenarios of MBTS Commissioning
The scenarios of MBTS commissioning increase with the expansion of the MBTS application
The base station starts to provide services of only one mode.
In this scenario, the base station is physically an MBTS when it is deployed. However, the
base station provides services of only one mode because of insufficient resources, and the
base station does not provide services of the other mode until resources are sufficient.
The base station starts to provide services of two modes.
In this scenario, when a base station is deployed, it is physically an MBTS and does not
provide services of the two modes. Now, the base station starts to provide services of two
The base station has been providing services of one mode and now starts to provide
services of the other mode.
In this scenario, when a base station is deployed, it is physically an MBTS and has been
providing services of one mode. Therefore, the base station starts to provide services of the
other mode.
SRAN 5.0 supports three modes of an MBTS: GU, GL, and UL, and the UL mode supports only the co-
cabinet solution.
Solutions of MBTS Commissioning
describes solutions of MBTS commissioning in typical scenarios in terms of the
feature and mode of MBTS commissioning.
3900 Series Multi-Mode Base Station
Commissioning Guide
2 Introduction to MBTS Commissioning In Typical
Issue 02 (2010-07-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.