Summary of
Summary of changes
This section describes the changes to this user manual for each release and user manual version.
Change for Release x.0.4.2,Manual version x.0.4.2
Major updates have occurred to the following sections:
Change for Release x.,Manual version x.
Major updates have occurred to the following sections:
Label Scroll
Change for Release x.0.3.98.O,Manual version x.0.3.98.O
Major updates have occurred to the following sections:
Change for Release x.0.3.98.A,Manual version x.0.3.98.A
Major updates have occurred to the following sections:
Change for Release x.0.3.98,Manual version x.0.3.98
Major updates have occurred to the following sections:
Change for Release x.0.3.93,Manual version x.0.3.93
Major updates have occurred to the following sections:
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