VIVE Wrist Tracker
HTC Corporation
Developer Guidelines
HTC Confidential and Proprietary
For optimal OTA performance, the tracker antenna should be at least 30 mm away from
any metal parts.
USB Type-C port voltage requirement: 5V+/-5%; > 200 mA
Maximum required charging time: 2 hours
VIVE Wrist Tracker has an asymmetrical shape. Therefore, its FOV is also asymmetrical. In
addition, VIVE Focus 3 uses inside-out tracking, so the FOV of the tracker depends on the
position of the headset relative to the orientation of the tracker. The following figures illustrate
the FOV of VIVE Wrist Tracker in relation to VIVE Focus 3 when the headset is about 50 cm
away from the tracker’s geometric center.
Figure: Tracker FOV relative to headset position along the sagittal plane