Entering text
The help content here is based on the following Gboard app version: 9.9.x.
The keyboard becomes available when you tap a text field in an app.
Here are some tips on using Gboard:
The keyboard layout may slightly differ depending on the text field currently active.
Tap the keys on the onscreen keyboard to enter letters and numbers, as well as punctuation
marks and symbols.
Some keys have multiple characters or accents associated with them. Press and hold a key to
enter numbers, symbols, or accented letters.
to switch to the number and symbol keyboard.
Swipe left or right on the space bar to move the cursor.
, and then tap the icons along the bottom to choose from a wide selection of emojis,
stickers, and more.
to use more Gboard features. You can search the web, translate text, switch to
one-handed typing mode, apply a theme, and more.
to close the onscreen keyboard.
To learn more about Gboard, visit
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