HTC Desire S Owner’s Guide – V1.02 | wnp_79
Mon-Sun @ 23:59 : Airplane Mode = On
Mon-Sun @ 06:00 : Airplane Mode = Off
Airplane Mode shuts down all radios, so your phone is shut off from the outside
world and using very little all juice. No one will be able to ring/e-mail/text you
between midnight and 6am. (Adjust times as necessary).
If you feel you still need to be ringable, simply do as above, but more like this;
Mon-Sun @ 23:59 : Wi-Fi = Off
Mon-Sun @ 23:59 : 3G/Data = Off
Mon-Sun @ 06:00 : Wi-Fi = On
Mon-Sun @ 06:00 : 3G/Data = On
This will turn off all data between midnight and 6am, but it will leave 2G (basic cell
phone function) still turned on so calls and texts will still come through. It will still add
roughly 5 hours to your daily battery life.
I have Tasker installed (surprise!), and I have told it where my house is. When I get
close to home, it automatically turns Wi-Fi on, turns my ring volume up to max,
changes my ringtone back to something childish, and backs my screen brightness
off. When I leave the house, it detects that I’ve left and reverses the above.
When 10pm rolls around, it backs off my ring/notification volume in case I’ve gone for
an early night.
When it gets to midnight, it activates Airplane mode (apart from at weekends when it
starts at 2am).
When it gets to 6am, it turns Airplane Mode off but leaves Wi-Fi off.
When I get to work (Defined by Mon-Fri 8:30 to 17:05) it turns my ring volume back
down again, and changes the ringtone to a more mature “ring ring”.
When my battery gets below 15%, it turns off 3G since the HTC Power Saver can’t
do that.
When I get to a certain part of the road on my drive home, on weekdays between
17:00 and 19:00 it automatically sends a text to my wife saying, “I’m on my way
home! x” Dinner is then ready when I get in!
Worth £4 to have your phone do that?