HRW HPE-MRBN V401 Manual 170912 E. & O. E. / Subject to change without notice
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BACnet Network Gateway
250 BACnet Objects may be configured, from up to 247 BACnet MS/TP devices.
It is important to have the BACnet device manufacturer’s manual available to assist with BACnet Object
The gateway data base consists of 250 Modbus registers, each configured with a target BACnet
object’s data:
1. BACnet device address where the object resides (MS/TP Node address / MAC)
2. Object type (BI, BV, BO, AI, AV, AO, MI, MV, MO)
3. Object Instance (object number)
Separately the BACnet network baud rate and Maximum Master value must be set. The gtaeway is
generally set as being Device Instance 0.