Access the appliance maintenance console through a notebook or laptop
• You have physical access to the frame
• You have configured the notebook computer Ethernet port for DHCP and enabled auto-negotiation
• A CAT5 cable
1. Connect the CAT5 cable to the Ethernet port on the notebook computer.
2. Connect the CAT5 cable to the notebook port on the front of the frame, on the front panel module (see illustration).
3. On the notebook computer, launch a VNC client application to connect to the HPE Synergy console.
If prompted by the VNC client, enter the IP address (including port 5900) of the HPE Synergy frame to use for the
4. The HPE Synergy console is now available using the VNC client connection.
5. Log in to the appliance maintenance console to access the appliance maintenance console.
Log in to the appliance maintenance console
When you access the appliance console, you are presented with either a login screen or the appliance maintenance
console main menu:
1. Access through the appliance console presents the appliance maintenance console main menu immediately.
After you enter your first command and before it runs, the login screen is presented.
NOTE: The Reset password option requires a challenge/response authorization.
2. Access through SSH presents the login screen immediately.
3. Enter the user name and password of a local Infrastructure administrator account on this appliance.
Image Streamer Maintenance Console