describes 1/10GBASE-T autosensing Ethernet port
describes QSFP+ port LEDs.
Table 6 1/10GBase-T autosensing Ethernet port LED description
LED status
Steady green
The port has a link and is operating at 10 Gbps.
Flashing green
The port is sending or receiving data at 10 Gbps.
Steady yellow
The port has a link and is operating at 1 Gbps.
Flashing yellow
The port is sending or receiving data at 1 Gbps.
No link is present on the port.
Table 7 QSFP+ port LED description
LED status
Steady green
A transceiver module or cable has been
correctly installed. The port has a link and is
operating at 40 Gbps.
Flashing green
The port is sending or receiving data at 40 Gbps.
Steady yellow
A transceiver module or cable has been
correctly installed. The port has a link and is
operating at 10 Gbps.
Flashing yellow
The port is sending or receiving data at 10 Gbps.
No transceiver module or cable has been
installed or no link is present on the port.
The 10GBASE-T port LEDs and QSFP+ port LEDs are not
affected by the port mode switching button on your switch. For
more information about the port mode switching button, see the
installation guide of the switch.