HP Z8 G4 Workstation
Supported Components
c05527763 — DA - 15956 Worldwide — Version 3 — November 1, 2017
Page 16
Operating Systems
Support Notes
Windows 10 Pro 64
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Note 3, 4
HP Linux® Installer Kit
Note 2
Red Hat ® Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) Workstation - Paper License (1yr)
Note 1
NOTE 1: This second OS must be ordered with the HP Linux® Installer Kit as the first OS.
NOTE 2: includes drivers for 64-bit OS versions of RHEL 6 & 7, SUSE Linux® Enterprise Desktop 11 and
Ubuntu 14.04.
NOTE 3: downgrade media available by request from HP Support.
NOTE 4: Windows 10 is preinstalled. Windows 7 media is only available upon request from HP
Customer Support. You may only use one version of the Windows software at a time. Switching
between versions will require you to uninstall one version and install the other version