Encryption Key
HP ESL G3 is integrated with HP's Enterprise Secure Key Manager (ESKM), version 2.1 and above to deliver:
Centralized encryption key management for HP Enterprise Tape Libraries
Automatic policy-based key generation and management supporting key/cartridge
ISV transparent key archival and retrieval for multiple libraries
Extensible to emerging open standards
Strong auditable security for encryption keys
Hardened server appliance
Secure identity-based access, administration and logging
Designed for FIPS 140-2 validation
Reliable lifetime key archival
Automatic multi-site clustering, key replication and failover
Comprehensive backup and restore functionality for keys
Redundant device components and active alerts
For upgrades from version ESKM 2.1 to any later ESKM version, contact your key management
vendor for additional details.
HP ESL G3 is also supported via a key license with SafeNet's 'KeySecure' KMIP compliant
encryption key management solution. Refer to configuration information for details of how
to obtain a license.
HP Storage Management
Pack for Microsoft
System Center
The HP Management Pack for Systems Center Operations Manager provides seamless integration with
Microsoft Systems Center Operations Manager and now System Center Essentials by integrating
predefined discovery and state monitoring policies, event processing rules and tasks, and diagram and
topology views for the storage system.
For more information:
HP Storage Management Pack can be downloaded free from the following website:
HP StoreEver ESL G3 Tape Libraries
Features in more detail
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