Hewlett Packard
SCSI-Fibre Channel Router Installation and User Guide
Release 1.0.2
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Service and Support
Please fill out and mail or fax the warranty registration card contained in the SLIC
packing box as soon as possible.
Each unit must be registered in order to qualify for technical support.
Safety Notices
An electrical outlet that is not correctly wired could place hazardous voltage on
metal parts of the system or the products that attach to the system. Verify that the
wiring and grounding of the electrical outlets you use have been checked by a
licensed electrician.
The enclosure should only be opened by authorized service personnel. Internal to
the enclosure are exposed areas of high voltage and sensitive components.
Incorrect handling of internal components may cause harmful electric shock and/or
damage to the unit. Any attempt by non-authorized personnel to open the product’s
enclosure may, at Vicom’s discretion, void the warranty.
In the United States use only GBIC units or Fibre-Optic products that comply with
FDA radiation performance standards, 21 CFR Subchapter J. Internationally use
only GBIC units or Fibre-Optic products that comply with IEC standard 825-1.
Optical products that do not comply with these standards may produce light that is
hazardous to the eyes.
Licensing Agreement
This Product contains embedded software (“Firmware”) and is furnished with utility software (“Software”). Both the Firmware
and the Software are provided to you pursuant to the following license terms:
Use: The Firmware and Software are intended for use only in conjunction with the Product; any other use is not permitted.
You may copy the Software provided that you reproduce the “Notice” screen in its entirety and use the copies only in
conjunction with Vicom products.
Ownership: Reverse Engineering. The Firmware and Software contain valuable and proprietary information of Vicom.
Vicom retains ownership of all rights in and title to the Firmware and Software, including but not limited to all copyrights,
patent rights, and trade secrets. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code
for the Firmware or the Software.
Government Users: This paragraph applies only to end users that are branches or agencies of the U.S. Government. The
Firmware and Software are part of a commercial product that was developed entirely at private expense and without the
use of any U.S. Government funds. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4
(JUNE 1995), all U.S. Government end users acquire the Firmware and Software with only those rights set forth above.