Chapter 1
Prepare Drive for Installation
Type 1
P1213A 9.10 GB Model
P1214A 9.10 GB Model
P1215A 18.2 GB Model
P1167A 18.2 GB Model
P1169A 36.4 GB Model
Type 2
P1213A 9.10 GB Model
P1214A 9.10 GB Model
P1215A 18.2 GB Model
P1167A 18.2 GB Model
P1169A 36.4 GB Model
Type 3
P1213A 9.10 GB Model
P1214A 9.10 GB Model
P1215A 18.2 GB Model
P1167A 18.2 GB Model
P1169A 36.4 GB Model
Figure 1-1. Identification of the Three Different Types of Drives
Some of the product numbers are duplicated, because the type
of drive shipped is not always the same. Therefore, it is
important that you match your drive to the correct type.
The types of drives differ in that the jumpers are in different locations. Refer to
the appropriate illustration (Figure 1-2, 1-3, or 1-4) for your type of drive, and
note the location of the jumpers.