HP MSM430, MSM460, MSM466 Dual Radio 802.11n Access Points Quickstart
Slide one of the T-bar clips into the AP Bracket T-bar slot. Attach it using
two self-tapping screws. Select the screw holes marked according to the
width of your T-bar: 9/16 inch, 15/16 inch, or 1.5 inch. (The other T-bar
clip attaches to the AP Bracket from above the false ceiling, after the
bracket is in place on the T-bar.)
Areas above false ceilings can contain dangerous
electrical cabling, gas pipes, and other hazards. Make whatever safety
arrangements are needed to ensure that you can work safely above the
false ceiling. HP recommends that you use a non-conductive step
ladder such as one made of fiberglass.
Position yourself at shoulder-height above the ceiling so that you can
attach the second T-bar clip. Remove/relocate two ceiling tiles, one on
each side of the T-bar on which you are installing the AP Bracket.
Carrying a screw driver, the AP Bracket with T-bar clip attached, and the
other T-bar clip and two screws, position yourself approximately 60 cm
(2 feet) above the T-bar on which you are installing the AP Bracket.
Attach the AP Bracket onto the T-bar, slide the other T-bar clip into the AP
Bracket T-bar clip slot, and then use screws to attach it such that both
T-bar clips firmly grip the T-bar.
Tighten all four T-bar clip screws fully and verify that the AP Bracket is
firmly anchored to the T-bar from both sides.
Re-install the ceiling tile through which you will pass the Ethernet cable.
Using the hole in the AP Bracket as a guide, drill or cut a hole in the
ceiling tile large enough to pass the Ethernet connector through.
Alternatively, you can run a cable outside of the ceiling tile and through
the cable channel.
Slide the ceiling tile to the side. Feed the Ethernet cable through the hole
in the tile and through the hole in the AP Bracket. Pull through an extra 60
cm (2 feet) of cable.
Attach the AP
Connect the Ethernet cable to the AP.
Hold the bottom of the AP against the AP Bracket, aligning the AP tab
slots with the AP retention tabs on the AP Bracket. Pull back any Ethernet
cable slack at the same time.
While firmly holding the AP against the AP Bracket, slide the AP toward the
AP Bracket lock tab so that the AP snaps onto the bracket. Do not let go of
the AP until you confirm that it is firmly in place.
Secure the AP
HP strongly recommends that as soon as the AP is installed, you install the
retention screw that anchors the AP Bracket to the AP.
Optionally, attach a cable lock in its hole or Insert the tab of the supplied AP
Padlock Bracket into the cable lock hole, and then align the AP Padlock Bracket
hole with the AP Bracket lock hole and install a user-supplied padlock.
For more information about installing an AP and Regulatory information, see
HP MSM430, MSM460, and MSM466 802.11n Access Points Installation
AP attached to bracket
1: AP Bracket lock tab
2: AP Bracket
3: AP tab slots snapped onto
AP Bracket retention tabs
4: AP Bracket latch
Retention/locking features
1: AP Bracket
2: Retention screw
3: AP Bracket lock tab
4: Padlock hole
5: AP Padlock Bracket
6: Cable lock hole