HP HP700196 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11

HP GlancePlus for Sun SPARCstations 

HP GlancePlus 


now available for Sun 


HP GlancePlus is 

an online performance monitoring 
and diagnostic tool for examining 
system activity that maintains 


user interface and 

contains common performance 

with the version for 

Features and benefits 

Provides ready access to current 




System administrators 

can now use one tool to manage 

systems for sustained peak 

performance more easily and 

infomnation, and 

isolating and 




Users can 

quickly examine how systems are 


update intervals 

Users can 

customize the 

data as needed to 

determine which information 


important and relevant to 


online help, graphical 

displays of  data, and command 

H P  

GlancePlus is easy 

to learn and use. 







System and network 
tors can monitor and control 



in user 





S u n  


can learn 

more quickly and increase 


version of  HP GlancePlus 




HP performance tool to 

be made available on a non-HP 

HP GlancePlus comple- 

ments other performance tools and 


Configuration information 

The initial release supports only the 

uniprocessor models (SPARC 
2, IPC, SLC, servers as well as the 

Sun-4 line) and does not support 
Sun's new multiprocessor (600 







on non-SPARC-based Sun architec- 
ture. The product is supported on 

only; proper 

functioning on SPARC replicas such 
as Solbourne cannot be guaranteed. 

HP GlancePlus is supported starting 
with Version 4.1 of 


UNIX-based operating system. 

HP GlancePlus for Sun 


on the February 

1992 HP Price List and available for 

For more 

information, contact your HP 






Product No. 


License to use HP 

Opt. AAO 

on %-inch cartridge 



and manual 


Additional user's  manual 

Enhanced HP 


retrieval software 

retrieval software 

to access 


9000 documenta- 

tion on CD-ROM 


now available. 

The enhancements allow for faster, 
easier, and better access to 

HP 9000 

documentation on CD-ROM. 


Flexible key word search with 

Navigational tools such as an 

index, table of  contents, and 

Expanded print menu 



Flexible printing 


You can create unique bookshelves, 
notes, and bookmarks; spend more 
time using information and less 
time searching for it; and customize 
information according to personal 



be a phased release 

starting with the HP 

software and the 

8.0 documentation on CD-ROM. 

follow-up PC version of 


and the 



documentation on 

CD-ROM are scheduled for release 



For users with software support 
contracts, the new and improved 


ware is a no-cost upgrade and 


be distributed through your 




Computer Update, March 


Содержание HP700196

Страница 1: ...s HP 1000 A Seriessystems seepage1 1 The HPVectra 386s 20PC combines performanceand erjpnomteaUy designedfeatures with expansion capabilitiesfor technical or business applicationsin standalone or network configurations Seepage 18 Hewlett Prtckard s Jet printer Postscript Cartridge Plns includes performance I enhancing Adobe Postscript Level 2and Adobe QpelVianager screen font software grayscalesca...

Страница 2: ...stributioninformation HP Computer U p d a t ei s distributedto individuals whoareinvolved inspecifyingor purchasii HP computerproductsandsystems Itisalsosent to HPworldwidevalue addedbusinesspartners If you wouldlike toreceiveacopy pleasecontact your localHPrepresentative Note Not aU HP computerwtsaresold and supported in aU countries Pkme check with your local HP salesoffice Hewlett Packad doa no...

Страница 3: ...HP Computer Museum www hpmuseum net For research and education purposes only ...

Страница 4: ...ce HPVectra QSl16Sand QSl20 PCs discontinuance Networks 16 Major extensionsfor HP ISDN products HPISDN products price reduction HP LAY Manager for OSl2 obsolescence Peripherals 17 MassStorage HPSeries 6000 HP FL disk arrayssupported in 1 1 meter cabinet New HP disk declassification capability Orderinginformationfor HPSeries 6000Models 330S D and 660S Dnew disks DATs HP2 0 GbyteDAT installable in H...

Страница 5: ...advantage of the new capabilities and where no standard exists and we have ploughed new ground technologically we will make that innovation availableto others We also willcontinue to deliver open systems solutions with greater performance and lower costs And we ll make them easier to use and configure in multivendorenvironments We re already delivering software infrastructure products to help you ...

Страница 6: ...applications UNlX is a registered trademark of UNlX System Laboratories Inc in the U S A and other countries HP LaserJetIllSiprinter wins award The HP LaserJet IIISi printer was judged Best Hardcopy Output Device at the 1992 Digital Reuiew Target Awardsand Second Annual Editor s Choice Awards Competi tion Competitorsincluded C Itoh CI 500 DEC DEClaser2200 and DEC Turbo Print Server 20 According to...

Страница 7: ...presentative for local availabi l itg Eligible products ck with your HP representative Start date June 1 1991 End date May 31 1992 Promotion number 2 546 Measurement Co rocessor If you purchase an upgrade to HP BASIC 6 2for your measure ment coprocessor you can receive a copy of HP BASIC Plus and HP BASIC 6 2 upgradeat a promo tional price Scope Worldwide check with your HP representative for loca...

Страница 8: ...cintosh Quadra 900 product brief HP Storage System for the Apple 7503 includepresentations by HP RTAP Macintosh specifications Plus users and Hewlett Packard management Roundtable discussionswill be scheduled for HF RTAP Plususers and Hewlett Packard For more VABpromotions I information contact your HF representative The following promotion is 1 specificdy for VABs The prom tions featured on page ...

Страница 9: ...s softwareand hardware products that have been tested by HPfor use on the HPVectra 386d20 PC Does not include allproducts that are compatible with this PC but it is a sample of selected products tested to venfy compatibilitywith industry standards HP Vectra386s ZOPCperfor malice guide Audience dealers Format 2 pages black and white P N 50913421EUS Description Containsbench mark data highlights per...

Страница 10: ...re ment has expanded interfaceto support the maximum number of processes on HP MPE V E Frocess priority oscillation providesincreasedcontrol over allocatingCPU resources COBOL performance improve ment has trap handling code change to provideincreased performancefor many large COBOL programs Jobfile date allows streaming a job to no longer cause the modifi cation date in the job file label to be up...

Страница 11: ...1 2 IPC SLC servers as wellas the Sun 4line and does not support Sun s new multiprocessor 600 MP farmly HPGlancePlus will not run on non SPARC based Sun architec ture The product issupported on SPARCstationsonly proper functioning on SPARC replicassuch asSolbournecannot be guaranteed HP GlancePlusissupported starting with Version4 1of SunOS Sun s UNIX based operatingsystem HP GlancePlusfor Sun SPA...

Страница 12: ...e prod uct number and a localization option The l o c t i o n option must be included to indlcate the correct keyboard and power cord to be shipped with the system To order Quickship bundlesyou should be aware of the following Each Quickship bundle is a fixed configuration and cannot be changed If you require a d i f ferent configuration order HP9000 Model 8x7system components using normal orderin...

Страница 13: ... HP representative HP9000 Model380 upgradeinternal high speedHP lBoption The field upgrade for HP 9000 Model 330 350 360 370to Model380 P N98244D comes with an internalsmall computerstandard interface SCSI and standard HP IB interface System problems can occur if high performanceHP IB system disks or devices are con nected to the standard HP IB interface You maysubstitute an internal high speed HP...

Страница 14: ...roduct inJanuary 1992 t h i ssmall com puterstandard interface SCSI tape dnveis fullysupported under HP RTE A using Revision5 25of the SCSI interfacedriver IDQ35and the tape devicedriver DDQ24 This productfunctionallyis identi cal to the existing HPSeries6400 Model 1300WS1 SGbyteDAT drives that also are supported under HP RTE A Unlike the HF Series 6400 Model 1300WS the Model 2000 uses 90 meter 2 ...

Страница 15: ...HP RTE A operating system and selected software subsystems at reduced prices Affected products are listed here Contact your product contact your HP repre sentative irnmedlately HP1000 A SeriesA9901 A900incentivecredit HP representativefor more information Product No Description HP RTE A VCt and symbolic debugger bundle NSIARPA Image 1 Image II Pascal FORTRAN BASIC DGL AGP Forms Product numbers lis...

Страница 16: ...h sprovides easy access to internalcompo nents because no screws are used to attach the cover The ROM based setup program automati cally determinesthe amount of memoryand the type of mass storage devices installed The easy access to parts and the setup program reduce the time and expense neededforsetup and service Flqqg disk based error utility This reduces the cost of support by allowingfor early...

Страница 17: ...e 42 Mbyte hard disk D2463A HP Vectra 286112 Model 40 5 PC 5 inch floppy drive 42 Mbyte hard disk D4171A HP HIL card1 D2400A 287112 MHz coprocessor D1354A 2 Mbyte memory upgrade D2401A Expansion card D2402B HP Vectra 286112 PC set up kit2 These willbe discontinued December 1992 This willbe discontinued June 1992 SCO packagedproducts discontinuance PC UNIX basedsystemintegration service Changes in ...

Страница 18: ...ay 1992 In Europe you will be able to place orders untilthe end of May 1992 and elsewhereorders will be accepted up to the end of June 1992 Shipments of these PCs will continue untilthe end of December 1992 If you do not need the HP VectraQS PC expansibilityand want to spend less moneyfor more power you should choose the HP Vectra 386 16N or 386120N PC If you require HPVectra QS PCequivalent expan...

Страница 19: ... between distributed sites at speeds up to 384 Kbytesper second HPISDN productsprice reduction EffectiveFebruary1 1992 prices of HP ISDN server and HP ISDN LinWMS DOSproducts were reduced T I S price reduction allows Hewlett Packard soffering to remain competitive in geographi cal mBrkets where ISDN network ing is becoming more popular and cost effectivefor transferring information between geograp...

Страница 20: ...required for disk arrays Opt ABA U S localization option provides a 1001120 volt 16 amp power distribution unit with six IEC 320 receptacles and a 20 amp input power cord terminated with a nonlocking 5 20P plug Opt ABB International localization option provides a 2001240 volt 16 amp power distribution unit with six IEC 320 receptacles and a 20 amp unterminated power cord Opt OE3 Substitutes a 2001...

Страница 21: ...with kit Subsequent products Order Option ODF or ODG Order Option ODF or ODG installed with kit with kit As the disk mechanismis declassi fied on the PC it does not matter what type of Hewlett Packard system is connectedto the disk mechanism Declasswg a disk mechanismisa time consuming process For example it may take about 12 hours to declassify a 422 Mbytedisk mechanism For a limited time Hewlett...

Страница 22: ...HP DeskJet printersand the origmalHP DesignJet plotter The new cartridgesprovide twice the ink of the previous cartridges The plotter uses two cartridges simultaneouslyand can plot 180 standard E size plots in final mode or 360 E sizeplots in draft mode New AutoCAD driver The plotter ships with both a protected mode and a real mode AutoCAD AD1HPGL2 driver P NC1633B The protected mode driver provid...

Страница 23: ... 17850Pmultipack PIN 17850Pmultipack HPDraftMasterplotterupgradekitsdiscontinuance Upgrade kits for obsolete HP IIraftMasterplotters willbe removed from the April1992 HP Price List New HP DraftMaster Plus upgrade kits P Ns 176244 17625A 17626A and 17627A will continueto be offered at current prices Product No Description 17568A Upgrades HP DraftMaster SX plotter to HP DraftMaster RX plotter 17569A...

Страница 24: ...dby taking advantageof faster network transmission speeds ratherthanbeinglimited by serial or parallel performance bottlenecksassociated with direct system Y O connectionsand external printlplot server boxes For example the increased processingspeed of the HP LaserJet mSi printer makes the HP JetDirectinterface15 times fasterthana typicalparallel port dependingon the speed and configurationof the ...

Страница 25: ...cript printers with AppleTalk that are designedfor PostScript and Apple Macintosh users These printers configured for plug and play Macintosh connectivity can ship immediately You automati cally receiveall the benefits of the HP LaserJet printer PostScript Cartridge Plus P N C2089A performance enhancingAdobe PostScript Level 2 and software based language switchingunder MSDOS or Widows between Po3t...

Страница 26: ...removed from the May 1992 HP will be supported for fiveyears Price List Orders will be accepted ProductNo Description Replacement C1662A HP Paintwriter HP Deskwriter C PIN color graphics printer C2113A C1613A HP Paintwriter XL None at this time color graphics printer HPLaserJetprinter accessory scalable typefacepricereduction On March 1 1992 Hewlett Packard reduced the price on four of the HP Lase...

Страница 27: ...but also m i r e e document handling One button installation saves time You either click on or type Install The software then gudes you by autonlaticallysetting all needed parameters Online learning for context sensitivehelp messages This can alleviate the dependence on manualsand save time in experimentation Support with flexibility The scanner is supported by most major desktop publishing word p...

Страница 28: ...in Ergonomically designed key board hassculptured keys and providestactilefeedback The low profile keyboard is detached with austableslant and look and feelidenticalto that of the HP 700192 terminal European regul atorg require ments allows reduced electre magneticinterference EN 55022 Class B Compatibility provides screen colors identicalto those of the HP 700 92and 700194 termmds Localization an...

Страница 29: ...1990 10 guidelinesfor reduced low frequency electrostaticand electro magnetic emissions Systemsupport The HP 700 60ESterminal is supported on allHP 9000 Model 8x7 systems running HP UX8 02 and subsequentreleases Support for all other HP9000Series800systems will be providedwith the future HP UX release The HP 700 96and 700 98terminals are supported on all900 SeriesHP3000 systems runningMPE iX2 2 or...

Страница 30: ...o9000 Series400 and 700 systems with a SCSI interface The HP UXCD ROMstarter kit can be purchased only in conjunction with an HP UXCD ROM update materials support agreement hut one nocost HP UX CD ROMdrive for each HI UX CD ROM update materials support agreement Contact your HP representativefor more information Support s Nocostelectronicsupport withnewHP9000systems Hewlett Packardhas earned a rep...

Страница 31: ... Nevada LasVegas New Jersey Paramus Piscataway New Mexico Albuquerque New York Albany Buffalo Melville New York City Rochester Syracuse WappingerFalls Woodbury North Carolina Charlotte Greensboro Raleigh Ohio Akron Cincinnati Cleveland Miamisburg Toledo Westerville Oklahoma Oklahoma City Tulsa Oregon Wilsonville Pennsylvania Hanisburg Pittsburgh Valley Forge South Carolina Columbia Greenville Tenn...
