User’s Manual
FRAM71B 1.00
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©Hans Brueggemann, 2016
This chapter will guide you through the whole process of configuring your FRAM71B and
loading it with different ROM images, using the HRDFRTH, FORTHROM, and MATHROM im-
ages as examples. Although the configuration notes are given for a FRAM71B-512, they fully
apply to the -1024 as well. It is assumed that you have the relevant ROM images accessible
on some kind of mass storage, and that you have the required HP-IL connection (be it an
82164A HP-IL/RS-232 interface, or Jean-Francois Garnier’s PILBOX) up and running.
When done, your HP-71B will have FORTH, MATH, and one 32KB RAM module installed.
10.1 Starting from Scratch
This is the "pre-flight" checklist to get to a defined starting point for the following steps:
1. Batteries: OK.
2. J1: OFF (not set), CN2-1: OFF, CN2-2: OFF, CN2-3: OFF, CN2-4;OFF; CN2-5: OFF.
3. MEM-EXT WRITE ENABLE: ON. (-1024 only).
4. Modules on Ports 1, 2, 3 and 4: REMOVED.
5. [ON]/[/] [3] : MEMORY LOST.
6. HP-IL: OK.
10.2 Preliminary Configuration for Loading the FRAM
Enter the following program SERTORAM into your HP-71B. It expects from the IL-device at
address :2 a HEX-dump file of 64 KB length, which contains 32 KB of ROM data, that will be
POKED to H_0x30000 – H_0X3FFFF. Do not run the program yet.
10 DIM A$[64]
20 S$="30000"
!Start of RAM
30 E$="3FFFF"
!End of RAM
40 S=HTD(S$)
50 E=HTD(E$)
70 ENTER :2 ;A$
!:2 is ADDRESS of 82164A
80 I$=DTH$(I)
90 POKE I$,A$
100 !DISP I$
110 NEXT I
120 END
We need to configure 4 RAM Chips, one for the later used RAM, one for MATH, and two for
FORTH, because FORTH takes one HC ROM and one SC ROM. Note that the SC portion of
FORTH actually requires only 16 KB, but we will configure the associated RAM-space to 32 KB
to keep this example simple.
1. Configure your FRAM71B:
POKE "2C000","93 94 95 96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
(This configuration can be used for both -512 and -1024 versions, as we use BOT FRAM only. If you want to use TOP FRAM in
your -1024 for the ROM images, but keep RAM usage in BOT FRAM,
POKE "2C000","B3 B4 B5 93 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00")
2. Power cycle your HP-71B
3. [MEM] must display 4 x 32 KB + 16 KB
approx. 144 KB