[SwitchA] display ipv6 pim bsr-info
Scope: non-scoped
State: Accept Preferred
Bootstrap timer: 00:01:44
Elected BSR address: 1003::2
Priority: 64
Hash mask length: 126
Uptime: 00:11:18
# Display BSR information on Switch E.
[SwitchE] display ipv6 pim bsr-info
Scope: non-scoped
State: Elected
Bootstrap timer: 00:01:44
Elected BSR address: 1003::2
Priority: 64
Hash mask length: 126
Uptime: 00:11:18
Candidate BSR address: 1003::2
Priority: 64
Hash mask length: 126
# Display RP information on Switch A.
[SwitchA] display ipv6 pim rp-info
BSR RP information:
Scope: non-scoped
Group/MaskLen: FF0E::101/64
RP address Priority HoldTime Uptime Expires
1003::2 192 180 00:05:19 00:02:11
Static RP information:
RP address ACL Mode Preferred
1002::2 ---- pim-sm No
IPv6 PIM-SM admin-scoped zone configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in
OSPFv3 runs on the network.
VOD streams are sent to receiver hosts in multicast. The entire IPv6 PIM-SM domain is divided
into IPv6 admin-scoped zone 1, IPv6 admin-scoped zone 2, and the IPv6 global-scoped zone.
Switch B, Switch C, and Switch D are ZBRs of the three zones, respectively.
Source 1 and Source 2 send different IPv6 multicast data to the IPv6 multicast group
FF14::101. Host A receives the IPv6 multicast data only from Source 1, and Host B receives the
IPv6 multicast data only from Source 2. Source 3 sends IPv6 multicast data to the IPv6
multicast group FF1E::202. Host C is an IPv6 multicast receiver for the IPv6 multicast group
VLAN-interface 101 of Switch B acts as a C-BSR and a C-RP for IPv6 admin-scoped zone 1,
and VLAN-interface 105 of Switch D acts as a C-BSR and a C-RP for IPv6 admin-scoped zone
2. Both of the two interfaces are designated to the IPv6 multicast groups with the scope field
value of 4. VLAN-interface 109 of Switch F acts as a C-BSR and a C-RP for the IPv6