Index 131
ReadCache 83
read-write ratio, ACU CLI 75
read-write ratio, ACU GUI 38
read-write ratio, ACU scripting 83, 87
read-write ratio, CPQONLIN 15
rebuild priority, ACU CLI 73
rebuild priority, ACU GUI 38
rebuild priority, ACU scripting 83
rebuild priority, CPQONLIN 15
RebuildPriority 83
recombining a split mirrored array 45
redundant controller, disabling 73
redundant controller, modifying I/O path of 72, 73,
82, 88
redundant controller, preferred path settings for 72,
73, 82, 88
re-enabling a failed logical drive 74
registering a license key 41
re-mirroring a split mirror backup 46
remote server, configuring 25
remote service, using ACU as 26
renaming a controller 68
Renumber 88
Repeat 89
repeat configuration 89
replacing an array 47, 71
required hardware 8
rescan 27, 62
ResourceVolumeOwner 89
running the ACU GUI 27
sample script 77
screen description 11, 27, 28, 30, 33, 36
script files 77
scripting modes 76
scripting options 78
scripting syntax 77
Sectors 89
selecting a RAID level 120
Selective Storage Presentation (SSP), CPQONLIN 12
shorthand in CLI 56
show (CLI command) 57
shrinking an array 38, 70, 84
ShrinkSize 89
Size 89
SizeBlocks 90
Smart Array Advanced Pack (SAAP) 8
SmartSSD Wear Gauge report 48, 107, 108, 109
SmartStart CD as source of ACU 19
software-based RAID 120
spare activation mode 68
spare drives, ACU CLI 68
spare drives, ACU GUI 38, 50
spare drives, ACU scripting 86
spare drives, CPQONLIN 14
Split 86
split mirror backup 45
splitting a mirrored array 45
SSP (Selective Storage Presentation), CPQONLIN 12
standard configuration tasks, support for 6
standby controller, disabling 73
stripe size migration, ACU CLI 72
stripe size migration, ACU GUI 38, 50
stripe size migration, ACU scripting 90
stripe size migration, CPQONLIN 16
stripe size values 90
StripeSize 90
striping data 110, 113
StripSize 90
summary of configuration procedure, CPQONLIN 11
supported operating systems 23
supported tasks 6
surface scan delay 74, 83
surface scan mode 74
SurfaceScanDelay 83
SurfaceScanDelayExtended 83
SurfaceScanMode 83
syntax, CLI 54
target device, setting 60
target variable, ACU CLI 55
tasks 36, 38, 47, 48
tasks supported in each utility 6
troubleshooting 122
troubleshooting resources 122
typical procedures, ACU CLI 59
typical procedures, CPQONLIN 13
utilities, description of 5
version command 59
video performance optimization 63, 83