15. Can I encrypt/protect my files on the USB Flash Drive?
Yes. This will require an additional software application. There are many
solutions available.
16. Can I use the HP USB Flash drive on USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 adapters/ports?
Yes. The HP USB Flash drive complies with USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 adapters/ports
17. Should I regularly defragment my HP USB Flash drive?
It is not required.
HP S100 USB Flash Drive Specific FAQs
18. Can I use my HP S100 USB Flash Drive with my MAC Operating System?
Yes. HP recommends version 10 or above.
19. Will replacement covers be available to repair broken unit?
Answer: No. At this time, HP does not plan to offer replacement covers for the S100 series.
HP C100 USB Flash Drive FAQs
20. Can I use my HP S100 USB Flash Drive with my MAC Operating System?
Yes. HP recommends version 10 or above.
21. Why does my C100 USB Flash drive show two drive letters in Windows™ explorer?
The C100 is essentially two separate drives in one product configuration. There is
a native capacity which should show up as the lowest drive letter. If you have, or
do not have a memory card inserted in the rear compartment, Windows™ will
allocate an additional drive letter (should be the higher of the two).
22. Do I need a SD or MMC memory card inserted in the C100 so I stare files onto it?