Index 94
processors 8, 18
ProLiant Support Pack (PSP) 60, 90
PXE (preboot execution environment) 48, 50
rack stability 64
rack warnings 64
RAID 0 volume, creating 44
RAID 1 volume, creating 45
RAID Properties screen 39
RAID volume properties, viewing 46
Rapid Deployment Pack 51
RBSU (ROM-Based Setup Utility) 54
redundant ROM 57
regulatory compliance notices 79, 81
remote support and analysis tools 59
removing server from rack 13
removing the server blade 13
required information 87
Resource Paqs 60
resources 53, 62
RJ-45 patch panels 49
ROM redundancy 57
ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) 54
ROMPaq utility 56, 57
safety considerations 63
SAN configuration 28, 53
SAS BIOS configuration utility 36
SAS BIOS features 36
SAS drives 25
SAS Topology screen 42
scripted installation 51
Select New Array Type screen 40
Selecting a boot disk 47
serial number 55
serial port 10
series number 79
server blade enclosure 11
server fault indications flowchart 75
server features and options 18
server selector switches 28
service notifications 65
setting up a network 48
sleeve, HP BladeSystem p-Class 9, 15
SmartStart Scripting Toolkit 51
software 36
software components 47
specifications 86
specifications, environmental 86
specifications, server 86
Standby mode, entering 12
start diagnosis flowchart 66
static electricity 85
support 59, 87
supported operating systems 60
Survey Utility 58
switches, interconnect 49
symbols on equipment 63
synchronizing an array 46
system board battery 83
system board components 8
system maintenance switch 8, 9
system power LED 6
Systems Insight Manager 57
Taiwan battery recycling notice 84
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol) 91
technical support 87
telephone numbers 87
troubleshooting 62
troubleshooting sequence 62, 66
updating the system ROM 56, 57, 60
updating, FCA device driver 53
USB connectors 10
USB devices 33, 52
USB support 57
utilities 36
utilities, deployment 51, 54
Verify screen 43
video connector 10
View Array screen 41
virtual CD-ROM 52
virtual floppy 53
virtual power 12
Virtual Power button 12