ICMP rate-limiting does not throttle non-ICMP traffic. In cases where you want to throttle both ICMP
traffic and all other inbound traffic on a given interface, you can separately configure both ICMP rate-
limiting and all-traffic rate-limiting.
The all-traffic rate-limiting command (
rate-limit all
) and the ICMP rate-limiting command
rate-limit icmp
) operate differently:
• All-traffic rate-limiting applies to both inbound and outbound traffic and can be specified either in
terms of a percentage of total bandwidth or in terms of bits per second;
• ICMP rate-limiting applies only to inbound traffic and can be specified as only a percentage of
total bandwidth.
Guidelines for configuring ICMP rate-limiting
Apply ICMP rate-limiting on all connected interfaces on the switch to effectively throttle excessive ICMP
messaging from any source.
Figure 18: Example: of ICMP rate-limiting
on page 158 shows an Example: of
how to configure this for a small to mid-sized campus though similar rate-limit thresholds are applicable to other
network environments. On edge interfaces, where ICMP traffic should be minimal, a threshold of 1% of available
bandwidth should be sufficient for most applications. On core interfaces, such as switch-to-switch and switch-to-
router, a maximum threshold of 5% should be sufficient for normal ICMP traffic. ("Normal" ICMP traffic levels
should be the maximums that occur when the network is rebooting.)
Figure 18: Example: of ICMP rate-limiting
Configuring ICMP rate-limiting
For detailed information about ICMP rate-limiting, see
on page 157.
rate-limit icmp
command controls inbound usage of a port by setting a limit on the bandwidth available
for inbound ICMP traffic.
[no] int <
> rate-limit icmp {< percent <
> | kbps <
> | [trap-clear>]}
Configures inbound ICMP traffic rate-limiting. You can configure a rate limit from either the global configuration
level (as shown above) or from the interface context level. The
form of the command disables ICMP rate-
limiting on the specified interfaces.
Aruba 2930F / 2930M Management and Configuration Guide
for ArubaOS-Switch 16.08