Convention Description
text represents arguments that you
replace with actual values.
[ ]
Square brackets enclose syntax choices
(keywords or arguments) that are optional.
{ x | y | ... }
Braces enclose a set of required syntax
choices separated by vertical bars, from
which you select one.
[ x | y | ... ]
Square brackets enclose a set of optional
syntax choices separated by vertical bars,
from which you select one or none.
{ x | y | ... } *
Asterisk-marked braces enclose a set of
required syntax choices separated by vertical
bars, from which you select at least one.
[ x | y | ... ] *
Asterisk-marked square brackets enclose
optional syntax choices separated by vertical
bars, from which you select one choice,
multiple choices, or none.
The argument or keyword and argument
combination before the ampersand (&) sign
can be entered 1 to n times.
A line that starts with a pound (#) sign is