Addition I/O resources
Addition I/O resources
Addition I/O resources
Addition I/O resources
using the Server
using the Server
using the Server
using the Server
Expansion Unit
Expansion Unit
Expansion Unit
Expansion Unit (SEU)
Additional I/O resources can be obtained by adding the HP Server Expansion Unit 2 (SEU 2). The SEU 2
is an add on chassis containing I/O resources that complement the I/O and partitioning capabilities
within the HP 9000 rp8440 Server. The SEU 2 mirrors the I/O resources embedded within the HP 9000
rp8440 Server chassis, adding 16 I/O card slots, 4 disk bays, 2 removable media slots, and enabling 2
additional hard partitions.
The SEU 2 must be installed in the same cabinet and directly above the host rp8440 server. Please refer
to the Server Expansion Unit 2 section in this guide or more specific details.
The following table summarizes the I/O configuration rules when an SEU 2 is configured with the HP
9000 rp8440 Server.
Required Configuration
Required Configuration
Required Configuration
Required Configuration
Minimum Required Number of Cells
Minimum Required Number of Cells
Minimum Required Number of Cells
Minimum Required Number of Cells
Minimum Required Number of Core I/Os
Minimum Required Number of Core I/Os
Minimum Required Number of Core I/Os
Minimum Required Number of Core I/Os
>16 I/O card slots
>24 I/O card slots
>4 Disks
>6 Disks
3 Removable Media
4 Removable Media
3 Hard Partitions
4 Hard Partitions
NOTE 1: Two Core I/O cards are included in each SEU
AC/DC Power
AC/DC Power
AC/DC Power
AC/DC Power
DC Power Supplies
DC Power Supplies
DC Power Supplies
DC Power Supplies
The HP 9000 rp8440 Server supports up to six hot swap bulk power supplies for 2N+1 protection. The
hot swap design allows for the replacement of a failed power supply without interrupting server
operation. Two supplies are included with the base system. A minimum of one additional supply is
required for each cell board. Following this rule, all configurations will have 2N+1 power protection. HP
rp8400/rp8420/rx8620 DC power supplies can be carried forward to the HP 9000 rp8440 server.
PCI Power Supplies
PCI Power Supplies
PCI Power Supplies
PCI Power Supplies
PCI power supply is now a redundant N+1 design. One PCI power supply failure will not affect the I/O
bay since the remaining PCI power supply will power both I/O bays (this is an upgrade from the sx1000
based systems). PCI power supplies are hot swap capable (this is an upgrade from the sx1000 based
systems). HP rp8400/rp8420/rx8620 PCI power supplies cannot be carried forward to the HP 9000
rp8440 server.
AC Power
AC Power
AC Power
AC Power
The HP 9000 rp8440 Server contains four C20 power receptacle ports located at the bottom rear
bulkhead. A minimum of two power cords must be used to maintain normal operation of the HP 9000
rp8440 Server. A second set of two cords can be added to improve system availability by protecting, for
example, against power grid failures or accidentally tripped circuit breakers. The HP 9000 rp8440
Server hardware is capable of receiving AC input from two different AC power sources. The objective is
to maintain full equipment functionality when operating from power source A and power source B, or A
alone, or B alone. This capability is called "fault tolerant power compliance."
Although many HP 9000 rp8440 Server configurations can be sufficiently powered from a single 16 /20
amp branch circuit, HP strongly recommends using one 16 amp (minimum) branch circuit per power
cord. Due to the variety of 16/20 plugs used throughout the world, the HP 9000 rp8440 Server menu
offers a choice of plug options.
HP 9000 rp8440 Server
HP 9000 rp8440 Server
HP 9000 rp8440 Server
HP 9000 rp8440 Server
DA - 12697 North America — Version 4 — March 3, 2008
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