Simplify and make your data center change-ready.
The HP Virtual Connect 8Gb 20-port FC module offers enhanced Virtual Connect capabilities, allowing up to 128 virtual machines
running on the same physical server to access separate storage resources. Provisioned storage resource is associated directly to a
specific virtual machine - even if the virtual server is re-allocated within the BladeSystem; Storage management of virtual machines is
no longer limited by the single physical HBA on a server blade: SAN administrators can now manage virtual HBAs with the same
methods and viewpoint of physical HBAs. The HP Virtual Connect 8Gb 20-port Fibre Channel Module for the c-Class BladeSystem is the
simplest, most flexible connection to your SAN fabrics. The HP Virtual Connect 8Gb 20-port Fibre Channel Module simplifies server
connections by cleanly separating the server enclosure from SAN, simplifies SAN fabrics by reducing cables without adding switches to
the domain, and allows you to change servers in just minutes, not days.
Figure 1 HP Virtual Connect 8Gb 20 Port Fibre Channel Module Front Bezel
1. UID Indicator
4. Link Status Indicator
2. Module Health Indicator
5. Port Activity Indicator
3. Port Configuration Status Indicator
6. Ports 1-4 (2,4, or 8Gb Fibre Channel)
What's New
Virtual Connect v4.01:
Auto negotiation with Nexus 5000 at 8Gb
HP Virtual Connect 8Gb 20-port Fibre Channel Module for c-Class BladeSystem
HP Virtual Connect 8Gb 20-Port Fibre Channel Module for
c-Class BladeSystem
DA - 13421 Worldwide — Version 9 — August 30, 2013
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