background image

Appendix  B 

Model  465A 



Mauricio  A.  Saurez 

T elecornmunicaciones 

Carlos  Calvo 224,  Buenos  Aires 

TeL  30-6312 


Sample  Electronics  (Vie.) Pty.  ltd. 

9·11  Cremorne  Street 

Richmond  E.  1.  Victoria 

Tel:  42·4757  (3  lines) 

Sample Electronics (N.SW.) Pty.  Ltd. 

4  Grose  Street,  Glebe,  Sydney 

New  South  Wales 
Tel:  69·6338  (6  lines) 


Unilabor  G,m.b.H. 

Rummelhardtgasse 6/3 


TeL 426.181 


Hewlett-Packard  Benelux  SA 

20-24  Rue de  I'Hopital, Brussels 

Tel,  1 1.22.20 


Ciental  Importacao  E  Comercio  ltda. 

Rua  Cons.  Crispiniano,  69,  8, 


Conj. 81,  Sao Paulo 

Tel,  324332 


Hewlett·Packard  (Canada)  ltd. 
8270  Mayrand  Street 

Montreal,  Quebec 

15141  735-2273 

Hewlett·Packard  (Canada)  Ltd. 

1762  Carling  Avenue 

Ottawa,  Ontario 
16131  722-8162 

Hewlett·Packard  (Canada)  Ltd. 

1415 Lawrence Avenue  W, 

Toronto,  Ontario 

14161  249-9196 


Hector  Calcagni 

Casilla  13942 


Tel,  6.42.26 


T age  OIsen A/S 

Ronnegade  1 





0,  Box  153 

Meritullinkatu 1 1 ,  Helsinki 

Teb  66.39_09 and  35.125 


Hewlett-Packard  France 

150 Boulevard Massena 

Paris  13e 

Teb  707_97.19 


Hew!ett-Packard  V_m.b,H. 

Steindamm  35,  Hamburg 

Tel,  24.05.51 

Hewlett·Packard  V.m,b.H, 

Kurhessenstrasse  95 

Frankfurt am Main 

Teb  52.00.36 

Hewlett·Packard  V,m.b.H. 
Reginfriedstrasse  13 

Munich  9 

Tel,  49.51.21/22 

ltewlett·Packard  Vm.b.H. 

Technisches  BUro 

Herrenbergerstrasse  1 10 

703  Bob!lngen,  WUrttemberg 
Tel,  6971 


K.  Karayannis 
K!aftmonos  Square,  Athens  124 

Te!: 230.301  (5  lines) 


The  Scientific  Instrument  Company,  ld. 

6,  Tej  Bahadur  Sapru  Road,  Allahabad  1 

Teb  2451 
The Scientific  Instrument Company, ld. 

240,  Or.  Dadabhai  Naoroji  Road, 

Bombay 1 

lel,  26-2642 

The  Scientific  Instrument  Company,  Ld. 

1 1 ,  Esplanade East,  Calcutta  1 

Teb  23-4129 
The  Scientific  Instrument  Company,  Ld. 

30,  Mount  Road,  Madras  2 

Tel,  86339 

The  Scientific  Instrument  Company,  Ld. 

B-7, Ajmeri  Gate  Extn.,  New  Delhi  1 

Tel,  271053 


T e!ecom  Ltd. 
P.  O.  Box  1812, Tehran 

Tel,  43850,  481 1 1  



Engineering  Ltd. 

1 6  Kremenetski  St., Tel  Aviv 

Teb  35021  13  linesl 


Hewlett-Packard  Italiana  S.p.A. 

Viale  Lunigiana  46,  Milan 
Teb  69.15_84/5/6 

Hewlett-Packard  Italiana  S.p,A. 

Piazza  Marconi,  25 


Tel,  59.25.44/5 


Yokogawa·Hewlett·Packard  Ltd. 

2270  Ishikawa-cho 

Hachioji,  Tokyo 
Tel:  Hachioji  0426·3·1231  (I9  Hnes) 

Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard  Ltd. 

No.  3,  6·chome,  Aoyama·Kitamachi 

Akasaka,  Minato·ku,  Tokyo 
T eb  403-0073,  403-0074,  403-0075 
Yokogawa·Hewlett-Packard  ltd. 

No.  8,  Umeda,  Kita-ku,  Osaka  City 
Tel,  361-3084,  341-2095 
Yokogawa-Hewlett·Packard  Ltd. 

No.  4,  3·chome,  Himeikedori, 

Chigusa-ku, Nagoya  City 

Tel,  75-8545 


American  Trading  Company,  Korea,  Ltd. 

1 1 2-35  Sokong·Dong 

Seoul  P.  O.  Box  1 103 


Teb  3-7049,  3-7613 


Hewlett·Packard  Benelux  N,V, 

23 Burg  Roei!straat,  Amsterdam W. 

10201  13.28_98  and  13.54_99 


Sample  Electronics  (N. 



8  Matipo  Street 

Onehunga  S.  E.  5,  Auckland 

Tel,  565-361 



Co.  AlS 


6  Wessels  Gate,  Oslo 

Te" 20  1 6 35 


Rua  Rodrigo  da  Fonseca  103 
P.  0_  Box 2531 


Tel, 68 60 72 and 68 60 73  and 68 60 74 



San  Juan  Electronics,  Inc. 

150  Ponce  de  Leon,  Stop  3 

P_  O.  Box  5167 
Pta.  de Tierra Sta., San Juan  00906 
Tel,  722-3342,  724-4406 


ATAIO,  fngenieros 
A.  Aguilera,  No.  8,  Madrid  1 5  
Tel, 223.27.42,  223.41.71, and 224_84_97 



H.  flanter 

Co.  IPty.),  Ltd_ 

Rosella  House 
Buitencingle  Street,  Cape  Town 

Te"  3-3817 


H·P  Instrument  AB 

Centralvagen 28,  Solna  Centrum 
Tel,  08-83.08,30  and  10-83.08.30 


Max  Pual  Frey 

Wankdorffeldstrasse  66,  Bern 

Tel,  10311  42_00.78 


Hwa  Sheng  Electronic  Co.,  Ltd. 

21  Nanking West Road,  Taipei 

Tel,  4-6076,  4-5936 


TELEKOM  Engineering  Bureau 

P.D.  Box  376-Gal�ta,  Istanbul 
Te"  49.40.40 


Hewlett-Packard  Ltd. 

Dallas  Road 

Bedford,  England 

T el,  Bedford  68052 


Citec,  C.  A. 

Edit.  Arisan·Of  #4 

Avda,  Francisco de Miranda·Chacaito 

Apartado del Este  10.837, Caracas 

Tel,  71.88.05 


BeJram  SA 

83  Av.  des  Mimosas 

Brussels  15,  Belgium 

Te"  35.29.58 

For  Sales  and  Service  Assistance  in  Areas  Not  Listed  Contact: 


Hewlett-Packard,  S.  A. 

54 Route  des  Acacias 

Geneva,  Switzerland 

Telephone,  10221 42_81.50 

Telex:  2.24.86 


1 -65 


Hewlett·Packard  Inter-Americas 

1501  Page  Mill  Road 

.Palo Alto,  California 94304,  U.S.A. 

Telephone,  14151  326-7000 

TWX,  910-373-1267 

Telex, 0338 1 1   Cable,  HEWPACK 


International  Marketing  Department 
1501 Page  Mill  Road 

PaJo  Alto, California 94304,  U.S.A. 

Telephone,  14151  326-7000 

TWX,  910-373-1267 

Telex, 03381 I   Cable,  HEWPACK 

Содержание 465A


Страница 2: ...facility WARRANTY AND ASSISTANCE All Hewlett Packard products are warranted against defects i n materials and workmanship This warranty applies for one year from the date of delivery or in the case of certain major components listed in the operating manual for the specified period We will repair or replace products which prove to be defective during the warranty period No other warranty is express...

Страница 3: ... j 01775 1 OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUAL HP PART NO 00465 90000 MODEL 465A AMPLIFIER SERIALS PREFiXeD 511 Copyright Hewlett Packard Company 1965 Printed MARCH 1965 ...

Страница 4: ...2 1 5 10 Output Impedance Check 2 1 5 1l Distortion Check 2 1 5 12 Noise Check 2 1 5 13 Adjustment and Calibration 2 1 Procedures 2 1 5 15 Power Supply Adjust 45 V 5 16 Bias Adjust R15 S l 5 17 1 MC Adjust C5 S l 5 18 Servicing Etched Circuit Board 5 21 Troubleshooting Technique S l 4 1 VI REPLACEABLE PARTS 4 1 6 1 Introduction 4 1 6 4 Ordering Information 4 1 6 6 Non Listed Parts 4 1 4 1 APPENDIX...

Страница 5: ... 0 1 db 1 at 1000 cps Frequency Response O 1 db 100 cps to 50 kc less than 2 db down 5 cps to 1 Mc Output greater than ti volts rms into 50 ohms 1 2 watt greater than 10 volts rms open circuit 1 0 Distortion 1 5 cps to 100 kc 2 100 kc to 1 Mc Input Impedance 10 megohms shunted by 20 pf Output Impedance 50 ohms Noise not greater than 25 flv rms referred to input with 1 megohm across input Weight 3 ...

Страница 6: ...edance and wide dynamic range The hp 465A is a three terminal device isolated from chassis and may be floated up to 500 volts de above chassis ground 1 3 INSTRUMENT IDE NTIFICATION 01775 1 1 4 Hewlett Packard uses a two section eight digit serial number 000 00000 If the first three digits of the serial number on your instrument do not agree with those on the title page of this manual change sheets...

Страница 7: ...ciation NEMA recom mends that the instrument panel and cabinet be grounded AllHewlett Packard instruments are equip ped with a three pronged conductor cable which when plugged into an appropriate receptacle grounds the instrument The offset pin on the power cable three prong connector is the ground wire 01775 1 2 9 To preserve the protection feature when operating the instruments from a two contac...

Страница 8: ...rmits floating dc operation CD INPUT rear panel BNCconnectors connected in parallel with the INPUT terminals on the 5 cv Model 465A OUTPUT REAR 1 0 0 front panel Option 01 only o 9 OUTPUT rear pane BNC connectors connected in parallel with the OUTPUT terminals on the front panel Option 0 1 only FUSE contains a fuse which provides pro tection for the primary circuit of the instru ment transformer T...

Страница 9: ...dc or 25 vdc are not applied to the input or output terminals respectively Otherwise damage to the Model 465A may result 01775 1 fier 4 impedance converter 5 x 108 power gain and 5 in system amplifier unit 3 3 DESCRIPTION OF CO NTROLS 3 4 Figure 3 1 gives a description of the front panel and rear panel controls for the 465A E E ill Ensure that common J terminals are connected before INPUT or OUTPU...

Страница 10: ...DBACK R6 120 DB I I GAIN I I R5 140 DB I R4 EMITTER EMITTER FOLLOWER AMPLIFIER 03 I FOLLOWER r 02 SERIES REGULATED POWER SUPPLY 07THRU09 04 TO 1 1 ALL CIRCUITS Figure 4 1 Model 465A Amplifier Block Diagram COMP SYM 05 06 lOUT LOUTPUTl I I I J 1 ro cr 1 0 is o ...

Страница 11: ... rhe 40 db of feedback is still used which allows the same gain shaping to be 01775 1 OPERATION used in both GAIN switch positions 20 DB and 40 DB R19 mainiains a charge on Cll in the 20 DB position to eliminate switching transients while changing gain R15 R16 R17and CRl form the bias voliage divider for Q3 R15 provides bias adjustment and CRI provides temperature compensation Emitter follower Q4 ...

Страница 12: ...6 5 v Output Power 10 watts Obms Range 10 M obms Troubleshooting Frequency 10 cps to 1 Mc Performance Checks with external oscillator Voltage Output 10 v Frequency 10 cps to 500 kc Performance Checks Sensitivity 1 full scale Voltage Output 45 v Troubleshooting Current Limit 75 ma 1 M ohm 1 1 2 w Performance Checks 50 ohms 1 1 w I M ohm shielded load Model 465A Recommended Model hp Model 3440A 3445...

Страница 13: ...ically varied 10 A fifteen minute warm up period should be allowed prior to conducting these checks 0 0 F REQUENCY RESPONSE TEST SET rffj 739AR g IjlO 0 0 o I 1 O 0 TEST OSCILLATOR rffj 651A 0 50 OHM F EED THRU TERMINATION 0 rffj B 5 7 ACCURACY AND GAIN CHECK a A Test Osciliator hp Model 651A and an AC Voltmeter hp Model 3440A 3445A will be required for this test b Set Model 465A to 20 db c Connec...

Страница 14: ...tor frequency to l O O cps adjust output amplitude for ac voltmeter reading of 10 v e Insert 1 M ohm resistor in series with osci Output Range Readings Attenuator 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 10 9 0 v 10 OB 1 to 09 9 v 10 OB 9 to 09 1 v 10 OB 9 to 09 1 v 10 7 2 to 10 B v 10 9 0 v 10 OB 1 to 09 9 v 10 OB 9 to 09 1 v 10 OB 9 to 09 1 v 10 7 2 to I0 B v llator and Model 465A INPUT resistor must be co...

Страница 15: ...TORTION Null out fundamental of signal by alternately reducing METER RANGE and adjusting BALANCE and frequency control knob for null j Final null will indicate amount of distortion present in Model 465A output signal At 1 kc distortion should be less than 1 k Repeat the above test for oscillator fre quencies listed in Table 5 3 Entire test should be repeated with Model 465A GAIN set to 40 db Refer...

Страница 16: ...e more difficulty If the procedures outlined below do not rectify any discrepancies which may exist and all connections and settings have been rechecked refer to Paragraph 5 21 Trouble shooting Techniques for possible cause and recom mended corrective action 5 15 POWER SUPPLY ADJUST 45 V 5 4 a A DC Voltmeter hp Model 3440A 3445A will be required for this test b Set voltmeter FUNCTION to DC RANGE t...

Страница 17: ...ated by the Adjustment and Calibration Procedures Paragraph 5 13 An investigation should also be made to insure that the t rouble is not a result of conditions external to the Model 465A 5 23 Conduct a visual check of the Model 465A for possible burned or loose components loose con nections or any other obvious conditions which might suggest a source of trouble 5 24 Table 5 4 contains a summary of...

Страница 18: ...veform at the junction of R24 and R25 Should be a sine wave with peak voltage approximatelx 12 7 v 9 v rms If correct proceed to if incorrect go directly to 1 Check R26 R27 and C15 5 6 Check Q4 Q5 and Q6 Refer to Figure 5 8 for typical de voltage levels Check Ql Q2 and Q3 Refer to Figure 5 8 for typical dc voltage levels Disconnect jumper wire at the side of C20 removing power supply from circuit ...

Страница 19: ...Model 465A C 22 _ _ l_ Q9 465A B 0219 01775 1 Figure 5 5 Top View Section V Figure 5 5 _ TI 1 _ _ CI5 5 7 ...

Страница 20: ...Section V Figure 5 6 465A A 0220 5 8 Figure 5 6 Printed Circuit Board Parts Location Model 465A 01775 1 ...

Страница 21: ...B I 1 I I 1 1 I R37 10 30V_ fAr r 4 l A C OI08 ILINE I ON SI BLK BlK TI I YEL BlK r I S2 g 3 2V J iI I HT L K GRN I I BlK REO I GRY I I R3 3 9K r 100 CR4 R33 REO 1 _ 3 9K C24 REO YEl I O OO68 Cl 8O CR5 YEL 11 I J el9 I I 1 R35 8 0 5 b 1 POWER SUPPLY Q7 THRU Q9 f IV R2 12K F B 3 V I 0 CR J 14V 2 5K SUPPLY ADJUST 1 C20 65 H R3I 12 IK R30 6 81K I I __ J NOTES L ALL RESISTORS IN OHMS AND CAPACITORS IN...

Страница 22: ...S device signaling lamp M meter S switch XDS lampholder E misc electronic part MP mechanical part T transformer Z network ABBREVIATIONS a amperes elect electrolytic mtg mounting rot rotary encap encapsulated my mylar rmB root mean square bp bandpass rmo rack mount only bwo backward wave f farads NC normally closed s b slow blow oscillator fxd fixed Ne neon Se selenium e carbon NO normally open sec...

Страница 23: ... my die 047 mf 10 400 vdcw C fxd alum elect 50 If 10 100 25 vdcw C fxd tanta elect 20 C fxd alum elect 10 75 c var ceramic 8 50 pf C fxd molded mica 56 pf 10 Not Assigned C fxd alum elect 2 I Li 25 vdcw C fxd elect 10 If 10 100 25 vdcw C fxd ceramic die 1 If 80 20 50 vdcw C fxd alum elect 10 100 C fxd elect 35 If 10 100 6 vdcw C fxd ceramic die 1 If 80 20 50 vdcw C fxd alum elect 10 75 Not Assigne...

Страница 24: ...xd comp 5600 ohms 10 1 2 w 0698 0001 R fxd comp 4 7 ohms 5 1 2 w 0687 3321 R fxd cornp 3300 ohms 10 1 2 w 0686 3305 R fxd comp 33 ohms 5 1 2 w 0686 3015 R fxd comp 300 ohms 5 1 2 w 0687 1021 R fxd comp 1000 ohms 10 1 2 w 0690 0003 R fxd comp 8 2 ohms 10 1 2 w 0757 0072 R fxd 49 9 ohms 1 Not Assigned 0687 1231 R fxd comp 12 K ohms 10 1 2 w 0757 0835 R fxd 6 81 K ohms 1 0757 0841 R fxd 12 1 K ohms 1...

Страница 25: ...201 00465 90000 DESCRIPTION Switch toggle SPST 3 amp Switch slide DPDT Switch toggle DPDT 3 amp Transformer power Cable Ass y Power black extra limp 7 5 ft long MISCELLANEOUS Insulator grey plastic Insulator grey plastic Insulator Insulator Heat sink Connector R F Connector power Holder fuse Stand tilt Binding Post red Binding Post black Cover side Cover bottom Spacer CAB Jewel pilot light Base pi...

Страница 26: ...hms 10 1 2 w 01121 0687 1031 R fxd comp 10 K ohms 10 1 2 w 01121 0687 1061 R fxd comp 10 M ohms 10 1 2 w 01121 0687 1231 R fxd comp 12 K ohms 10 1 2 w 01121 0687 1511 R fxd comp 150 ohms 10 1 2 w 01121 0687 1531 R fxd comp 15 K ohms 10 1 2 w 01121 0687 2231 R fxd comp 22 K ohms 10 1 2 w 01121 0687 3321 R fxd comp 3300 ohms 10 1 2 w 01121 0687 3921 R fxd comp 3 9 K ohms 10 1 2 w 01121 0687 4721 R f...

Страница 27: ...n taper 5 K ohms 30 0 15 w 71450 R var comp lin taper 50 K ohms 30 0 10 w 71450 Fuse cartridge 0 15 amp 98997 Lamp glow 24455 Switch slide DPDT Switch toggle SPST 3 amp Switch toggle DPDT 3 amp Cover side Cover bottom Spacer CAB Jewel pilot light Base pilot light Hinge Frame Assfy Cover top Foot Ass y Terminal ground black Cable Ass y power black extra limp 7 5 ft long Transformer power Coil R F P...

Страница 28: ...lslad N J PalQAllo Cal f 1 B82 H dl n Ihtch Co 2M80 Howlotl Poo d 13113 G E Re ei io l543 ne t Owens o Ky C ica o Ill 31ilS6 Hawkesbury Ootano Canada 319 1 P R ItallGrj Co loc hdiaoapoiis IrHt 395 J M hanic I I _cJus lie P d Cc AII Ohi 40920 M ture Pretislon Bemiogs Inc Ke e N H Chicago Ill 42190 Mut r Co 439S0 C A NOfwee Co H65S Ohmi e fUg Co 479Q Polaro d Corp 48620 P e lsio nerr cmeleraoo Ins C...

Страница 29: ... s l ile Ins aleJ Wire CQ Tal yl w N Y gl33 Sylvani Elecbic P id loc Semiconduotor o v W IMn ass moB R llbL S and Mym Inc New Yor N Y 341D Slel r s Mfg CG Inc Ma sfield hi SJlaB Howarj J Sm h In Pod Ihnmoutl N J OOO15_3Q Revised Febfuary 1 5 Cod No Mon iQ I I er 1919 G V Conlrols L ving ton N J 939S1 In lin VM NNmao Ind Inc Eloct o c Oivi ion Mancll te N li 9411 Go r 1 Cabl Corp B yooo N J 9 144 R...

Страница 30: ...ision TWX 801 511 2604 Hewlett Packard 82 Washington St Hewlett Packard Horman Sales Division 9141 454 7330 VIRGINIA Neely Sales Division 941 Rollins Avenue TWX 914 451 7425 Richmond 23230 1055 Shafter Street Syracuse 13211 7141 123 8103 RockvHle 20852 Hewlett Packard TWX 714 176 4163 3011 427 7560 Hewletl Packard Southern Sales Division San Francisco Area TWX 710 828 9684 Syracuse Sales Division ...

Страница 31: ...rconi 25 Roma Eur Tel 59 25 44 5 JAPAN Yokogawa Hewlett Packard Ltd 2270 Ishikawa cho Hachioji Tokyo Tel Hachioji 0426 3 1231 I9 Hnes Yokogawa Hewlett Packard Ltd No 3 6 chome Aoyama Kitamachi Akasaka Minato ku Tokyo Teb 403 0073 403 0074 403 0075 Yokogawa Hewlett Packard ltd No 8 Umeda Kita ku Osaka City Tel 361 3084 341 2095 Yokogawa Hewlett Packard Ltd No 4 3 chome Himeikedori Chigusa ku Nagoya...
