Garbled terminal display
If terminal display is garbled, verify that the following settings are configured for the terminal, for
example, HyperTerminal:
Baud rate
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control
When you modify the settings for the console port of the switch, configure the same settings for the
console terminal.
Troubleshooting the switch during the operation
commands to examine the configuration for configuration errors or to examine statistics for
If any configuration errors are found, re-configure the switch or restore the factory-default settings.
Power supply system failure
If the switch is operating correctly, the LEDs on the power supply (AC LED and DC LED) are green. For
more information, see "
Appendix C LEDs
After a power supply is powered off, the power LEDs stay ON for several seconds.
If the power LEDs are off or not green, examine the power supply for an exception, as follows:
If the DC LED is orange, the power supply has transitioned to the over-temperature protection state.
Examine the cooling system for inadequate ventilation, and make sure every empty slot has been
covered by a blank filler panel.
If the DC LED is red, the power supply has transitioned to a self-protection state because of a power
supply problem. Examine the power supply for output short circuit, output over-current, output
over-voltage, input under-voltage, or remote disconnection.
The DC LED also turns red if the input of the power supply is disconnected while any other power
supply is operating correctly. In this case, connect the input or keep the input disconnected as
Examine the power cord connections. If a power cord is loose, re-connect the power cord. If a
power cord is broken, replace it.
Examine the power supply installation. If the power supply is not fully seated, re-install the power
supply to make sure it has a close contact with the backplane of the switch.
Examine the power supply system. Make sure the power supply system operates correctly and
provides an acceptable voltage.
If the switch has empty power supply slots, remove the power supply, install the power supply in
an empty power supply slot after all LEDs on the power supply are off, and verify that the power
supply can operate correctly.