Sent IGMPv3 specific sg queries:0.
Received error IGMP messages:0.
IGMP snooping proxying configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in
, Router A runs IGMPv2 and Switch A runs IGMPv2 snooping. Router A acts as the
IGMP querier.
Configure IGMP snooping proxying on Switch A, enabling the switch to forward IGMP reports and leave
messages on behalf of attached hosts and to respond to IGMP queries from Router A and forward the
queries to the hosts on behalf of Router A.
Figure 16
Network diagram
Configuration procedure
Configure an IP address and subnet mask for each interface as per
. (Details not shown.)
On Router A, enable IP multicast routing, enable IGMP on Ethernet 1/0/1, and enable PIM-DM on
each interface.
<RouterA> system-view
[RouterA] multicast routing-enable
[RouterA] interface ethernet 1/0/1
[RouterA-Ethernet1/0/1] igmp enable
[RouterA-Ethernet1/0/1] pim dm
[RouterA-Ethernet1/0/1] quit
[RouterA] interface ethernet 1/0/2
[RouterA-Ethernet1/0/2] pim dm
[RouterA-Ethernet1/0/2] quit
Configure Switch A:
# Enable IGMP snooping globally.
<SwitchA> system-view
[SwitchA] igmp-snooping