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Single-phase Microinverter User Manual
The DTU-G100 is improved over the previous generations of DTU product, and is developed with this new
function that allows the installer to:
A. See how many microinverters under this DTU are working properly (and the details for each
microinverter) and how many are abnormal (and the details for each microinverter) at a glance through
the plant overall inverter status indication.
B. Add connection status, which displays the signal strength between each microinverter with connected
DTU, so that the installer can adjust the DTU installation location accordingly. This function simplifies
DTU installation and avoids a second visit for installer due to the poor connections between DTU and
certain microinverters.
Refer to the “Hoymiles Local Installation Assistant Technical Note” for more details.
3.6 System Installation Sequence
1. Install Microinverters
and PV modules
2. Install and power on
the DTU
5. Complete installation
3. Create a site on the
monitoring account
4. View system
3.7 DTU Installation Procedure
1) Install the PV Modules and Microinverters
Refer to the microinverter’s Manual or Quick Installation Guide for detailed installation steps.
2) Locate the DTU
The maximum communication distance of Hoymiles DTU is 150 m in open space. The walls, roofs, or other
obstacles in between will affect the signal and reduce the communication distance in actual installations.
The range of signal reduction for possible obstacles at the site is shown below:
Relative signal range reductions
Stone/Pressed cardboard
Reinforced concrete (reduction increases with the
amount of reinforcement)
Up to 100%
Therefore, the DTU must be placed as close to the microinverters as possible at the site to ensure good
communication between the DTU and the microinverters.
3) Insert SIM Card
Insert the SIM card into the card slot on the side of the DTU.
4) DTU Installation
a. Connect the DTU to the adapter and plug it into the wall socket (Figure 1).