Decide if you will use concealed or exposed cable supply (See
Diagram one). If you are using a concealed supply cable carry
out preparatory work required and then return to this point.
Preparatory work is required before the wall cladding is installed
onto the walls.
Lay the HTR parts out.
Snap into position the top and lower brackets/legs to the
clips of the frame. (Note the lower bracket has the cable exit
holes facing downward).
4. Select the 4 M50 x 50mm screws. Place the frame face first on a
non-scratch surface with the back brackets facing upward.
Position the screws through the leg holes using the straw as a
guide and tighten to the frame.
5. Place the HTR on the wall in the desired position and mark your
drill hole positions. (Note the HTR can move horizontally making
it ‘Easy to find and fix’ to the studs and or drilling between tiles
grout lines)
6. Direct the power cable through the bottom bracket exit
position of your choice (Note: Concealed cable supply is
directed through either lower leg into the wall)
7. Pre-drill two wall fixing holes for both lower and top brackets
and then screw the HTR securely to the wall.
8. Place back bracket covers over back brackets and screw tight
from underneath.
Concealed Cable Supply:
Ensure that the flush box that the HTR will be wired to is within
this distance of the mounting position of the lower bracket cable exit.
Allow for loss of cable length due to connections.
Drill a 13mm hole in the face of the stud where the base will
sit. This will accommodate the cable to be fed through. Drill the
hole to a depth of 40mm.
Drill another hole into the side of the stud. This will
accommodate the cable feed. Drill this hole at 25mm diameter.