Hotpoint RE86 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 4

Содержание RE86

Страница 1: ...ndCare ofmodel RE86 Features ofyouroven p6 Cooking bytime p8 Cooking bytemperature p9 How tousethe Minute Second timer pll Save timeandmoney Before yourequest service usetheProblem Solver p14 if3 3v Ik GE Answer Centi 800 626 2000 ...

Страница 2: ... Pleasecheckwithyoursupplierto be surehehasdoneso alsosendin yourConsumer ProductOwnership Registration Card If youmove or ifyouarenottheoriginal purchaser pleasewritetous statingmodelandserialnumbers Thisappliance mustberegistered Pleasebecertainthatit is write to Hotpoint RangeProductService Appliance Park Louisville KY40225 Ifyoureceived a damagedOven Immediately contactthedealer orbuilder that...

Страница 3: ... Warranty BackCover the risk ofburns electricshock fire injuryto personsQr expos ure to excessivemicrowave Allrecipesutilizehighpower unlessotherwiseindicated WholepouRryandroastsmay requireturningorrotatingforeven cookingresults SeeCookbookfor specificinstructions Use thisapplianceonlyfor its intendeduse as describedin this manual Readand followthe specific PRECAUTIONS AVOID POSSIBLEEXPOSURE TO E...

Страница 4: ... If by accidentthe oven should run empty a minuteor two no harm is done However try to avoidoperatingthe oven empty at all times it saves energy and prolongslife of the oven Donot pop popcornin your microwaveovenunless in a specialmicrowavepopcorn accessory or unlessyouuse popcorn labeled for use in microwaveovens Ifmaterialsinsidethe oven should ignite keep ovendoor closed turn ovenoff and discon...

Страница 5: ...Do not subject empty utensils to microwaving 3 Do not permit children to use plastic utensils without complete supervision o When cooking pork follow our directionsexactlyand always cook the meat to at least 170 This assures that in the remote possibilitythat trichina maybe present in the meat it willbe killedand meat will be safe to eat e Boiling eggs in andout of shell is not recommendedfor micr...

Страница 6: ...owaves confinedinsideoven 5 OvenInteriorLightturnson 7 TouchControB Paneland whenthedoorisopenedandwhen Dispiay Seenextpagefor theovenisoperating instructions 6 StirrerCover Protectsthe 8 CookingTrayRetainers microwave energydistributing antenna Do notremovethiscover 9 ReinovableGlassCooking Youwilldamagetheoven Tray Do notoperatetheoven withoutthecookingtrayinplace 10 Temperature Probe 11 Modelan...

Страница 7: ...ds Touchthesepads toentercooking defrosting time timeofdayor PowerLevel EsE r 8 Clear Off Whentouched it shutsofftheovenanderasesall settings excepttimeofday 3 TempCook Usethetempera tureprobetocookbyusingapreset temperature Whenfoodreaches 80 ovenshowstemperatureuntil presettemperatureis reachedand thenturnsoff 9 Start Afterallselectionsare made touchthispadto startoven 4 Min SecTimer Thisfeature...

Страница 8: ...edPowerLevelpad althoughPowerLevelHIis preferredforthiscupofcoffee Step4 TouchSTART Time countingdownshowsondisplay Step5 Whentimeisup theoven signalsandflashes End then shutsoff Step6 Openthedoor Q I setmyovenforthetime calledforintherecipe butat the endofthetimeallowed mydish wasn tdone Whathappened A Sincehousepowervariesdue totimeor locationmanyTime Cookrecipesgiveyoua timerange topreventoverc...

Страница 9: ...enautomatically holds TEMP TouchCLEAR OFFto stopthe Hold Removeprobeand foodfromoven Cmkillg Ilps Usea lowerpowerlevel itwill heatmoreevenlyeventhough requiringmoretime 9 Besurefrozenfoodhasbeen completelydefrostedbeforeinsert ingprobe Probemaybreakoffif usedin frozenfoods Coverfoodslooselyformoisture controlandquick evenheating Q AfterIfollowedthesteps andtouchedtheSTART pad 66EEEE37 flashedinthe...

Страница 10: ...andOfor8 minutes TIMEDEF and8 00are displayed Ifyouwishtochange powerlevel touchdesiredPower Levelpad Q Whydon thedefrosting o timesintheCookbook seemright formyfood A Cookbooktimesareaverage Defrosting timecanvaryaccording tothetemperature inyourfreezer Setyourovenforthetimeindicated inyourCookbook If yourfoodis stillnotcompletely thawedatthe endofthattime resetyouroven andadjustthetimeaccordingl...

Страница 11: ...levelpad Step4 Setstandingorholdtime bytouchingMIN SECTIMER 0 appearsondisplayandTIME flashes Step5 Touch1 0 0 andOtohold fortenminutes 10 00appearson display Step6 TouchTIMECOOKpad Thedisplayshows 0andHI and TIMECOOKflashes Step Touch2 5 0 andOfor twenty five minutesofcooking time 25 00appearsondisplay Step8 TouchSTART 15 00 countingdownshowsondisplay Aseachfunctionisautomatically performedovendi...

Страница 12: ...trayintowaterjustafter cooking Washitcarefhllyinwarm sudsywaterorinthedishwasher Thetraycanbebrokenifdropped SpecialnotewhenusingBrown3N SearDish Ifgreaseispresent high heatgeneratedonbottomofa Brown NSeardishmaycausethe greasetoburnontotheoventray Thismayberemoved with a cieansersuchasBarKeepers Friend Cleanser bySerVaas Laboratories Inc AfterusingBarKeepers Friend Cleanser rinseanddry thoroughly...

Страница 13: ...arityintheconnectionofthe powercord Caution Attachingtheadapter groundterminaltothe wallrecep taclecoverscrewdoesnotground theapplianceunlessthecover screwismetal andnot insulated andthe wallreceptacleisgrounded throughthehousewiring You shouldhavethecircuitcheckedby a qualifiedelectricianto makesure thereceptacleisproperlygrounded Whendisconnectingthepower cord fromtheadapter alwayshold theadapte...

Страница 14: ... START START mustbe touchedafterenteringcookingselection AnotherselectionenteredalreadyinovenandCLEAR OFFnottouchedto cancelit MakesureyouhaveenteredcookingtimeaftertouchingTIMECOOK CLEAR OFFwastouchedaccidentally Resetcookingprogramandtouch START Makesureyouhaveentereda desiredfinishedtemperatureaftertouching TEMPCOOK FOODSAREEITHER Cookingtimesmayvarybecauseofstartingfoodtemperature fooddensity ...

Страница 15: ...emisstill not resolved write MajorApplianceConsumerActionPanel 20North WackerDrive Chicago Illinois60606 ServiceContracts ortrouble free servicebeyond thewrittenwarranty period a 7 If you prefer to budgetyourrepair expenditures J Servicecontractslet you paytoday spricesfor insteadof beingsurprisedbythem Hotpoint ZJ servicea month a year or severalyearsfrom offers servicecontracts for varyinglength...

Страница 16: ...p charges you must take the microwaveoven to a Hotpoint FactoryService Center or a Hotpoint Customer Care Servicer and pick it up following service In homeservice is also available but you must pay for the service technician s travel costs to BiiiI s your home A IS 0 0 mProPerinstallation If you have an installation problem contact your dealer or installer You are responsible for providing adequat...
