Hotpoint RE41 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 17

Содержание RE41

Страница 1: ...t best fr6m Features p5 Use andCare of cooking p6 model I E41 39 y 57it5 Heating Cooking hide p 7 Questions Use theProblem Solverplt 1 ...

Страница 2: ...dinginthiscard pleasewrite thesenumbershere ModelNumber SerialNumber Usethesenumbersinany correspondence or servicecalls concerningyourMicrowave Oven Be sum your Microwave oven is regktered It isimportantthatweknowthe locationofyourMicrowave Oven shoulda needoccurforadjustments Yoursupplierisresponsiblefor registeringyouastheowner Pleasecheckwithyoursupplierto besurehe hasdoneso alsosendin yourCon...

Страница 3: ...ovided installation instructions e eCWtiiEI tOplacethe front surface ofthedoorthree inches or morebackfromthecountertop edgetoavoidaccidental tipping oftheappliance innormal usage Ifusedoncountertop Donotcoverorblockany openings ontheappliance Donotuseoutdoors Donotimmerse powercordor pluginwater Keeppowercordawayfrom heatedsurfaces Donotletpowercordhangover edgeoftableorcounter 3 Donotoperatethis...

Страница 4: ...er_Do not useathermometer infoodyou aremicrowaving unlessthe thermometer isdesigned or recommended foruseinthe microwave oven Plasticutensik lmticutensils designed formicrowave cooking areveryuseful butshouldbe usedcarefldly Evenmicrowave plasticmaynotbeastolerantof overcooking conditions asareglass orceramic materials andmay softenorcharifsubjected toshort periodsofovercooking Inlonger exposures ...

Страница 5: ...ent 6 ModeStirrerCover Protects themicrowave energydistriiiuting system Donotremovethiscover Youwilldamagetheoven 7 Glass Cooking hay Traymust beinplacewhenusingtheoven Cookingperformancewillbe unsatisfactory withoutthetray inplace Thetraymayberemoved forcleaning 5 15 NhuteTimerwith graduated scaleinfirstfive minutes Settimertodesired cookingtime Settingthetimer startstheoven whenthedoor isclosed ...

Страница 6: Step3 Whentimeisup theoien sounds ovenlightandfanshutoff Questionsand h SWtX S Q I setmyovenforthetime calledforintherecipe butatthe endofthetimeallowed myfood wasn tdone Whathappened A Sincehousepowervariesdue totimeor locationmostrecipes giveyoua timerangetoprevent overcooking Settheovenfor minimumtime testthefoodfor doneness andcookyourdisha littlelonger if necessary Q WhathappensifI acciden...

Страница 7: ...chopsuey spaghetti stew 3 to4 servings 7 10 1 cupserving 1can 16oz 6 8 Hamburgers or meatloaf 1to2 servings 2 4 4oz perserving 3 to4 servings 4 6 Hotdogsandsausages lto2 1 2 3t04 2 3 Riceandpasta 1to2 servings 2A cupserving lY 3 Topped or mixedwithsauce 1to2 servings 5 7 3 to4 servings 7 9 Tip Coversaucymaindisheswithplasticwrap Coverothermaindishesandmeatswithwaxedpaper b mps Waterbased 1to2 serv...

Страница 8: ...orktovent Stir 10 16 OZ 8 18 meatPiecesor rotate1 4turnafterhalfoftime FrozenDinners HeartyT V Style 17oz 12 15 Remove foilcoverandreturntraytocarton If metaltray Regular I V Style 11 oz 10 12 ismorethan3 4 inchdeep placefoodinmicrowave safe PremiumEntree 8 9oz 10 12 container Rotate1 4turnafterhalfofcookingtime If 10 13 oz 12 14 foodisinpouch slitpouchbeforemicrowaving M landRice Cannedspaghetti ...

Страница 9: ...sbetween b layersofpapertowels Porksausage Microwave Wax Arrangeinsinglelayer Rotatedish 1 2turn raw safeutensil paper afterhalfoftime 2 patties 2 4min 4 patties 5 7min Porklinksausage Microwave Wax Arrangeinsinglelayer Rearrange afterhalf raw safeutensil paper oftime 2 links 2 3min 4 links 5 6min 8 links 7 8min Canadianbacon Microwave Wax Arrangeinsinglelayer 2 4slices safeutensil paper 1 2min 6 ...

Страница 10: ...ambletheeggs withthebutterand 1tablespoon milkper egg Placeinovenandmicrowave forhalfof totaltime Scrapeportionsfromtheoutside tothecenter Finishcooking Allowtostand 1to2 minutestosetez s Poached 1Y2 qt casserole Lid 6 8min Boil2 cupshottapwater6 to8minutes l l min covered Breakeggsontoplate puncture peregg membrane Swirlboilingwaterwithspoon slipineggsgently Cover Letstandinwater a fewminutesbefo...

Страница 11: ...cup plasticwrap Stirafter10minutes Letstandcovered 5 minutesbeforeserving Rice minute 1 qt casserole Lidor 7 8min Add1 cupshottapwater Stirafter 1Y2 cups plasticwrap 4 minutes 1 Always usemicrowave safe utensils glassor plastic Uselargeenoughcontainertoavoidspillover 2 Startwithhottesttapwatertoshortencookingtime 3 Donotcover prevents spillover 4 Stirhalf way throughcookingtime Food Container Cove...

Страница 12: ...thecasserolewiththewaterbeforeaddingvegetables vegetable Amount The Comments Apamw Fresh 1lb 7 9 min CutintoJ inch pieces Add1 4cupwater Frozen spears 10oz 8 10 min Bean Fresh Greenor Wax 1lb 9 11 min Cutinto1 inch pieces Add1 4cupwater Frozen 9 oz 8 11 min Fresh spears 1lb 8 10min Add1 4cupwater Frozen choppedor spears 10oz 10 12 min cabbage Fresh chopped shredded 4 cups 11 13 min Add1 4cupwater ...

Страница 13: ... 11min Zucchi Sliced fresh 1lb 1 12 min Slicel 2 inchthick Add 1 4cupwater Frozen 10oz 8 10min CamedVegebbles Amount undrained Drained comments Allkinds 802 3 3 min 2 2 min Placevegetablesinmicrowavesafeservingdish Coverwithplastic 15 17oz 6 8min 3 4min wramCheckat minimumtime Stirandserve vegetableconvenience Foods vegetable Amount The Comments Braded vegetabks 7oz pkg frozen 4 6min Placeontrivet...

Страница 14: ...nies 15oz 8 in squaredish No 10 13 min Rotate1 4turnafter5 minutes cake likeor fudge like Cakemix withor 8or9 in round 6 8min Use2 cupsbatter Rotate1 4turnafter4 withoutpudding cakedish minutes Letstand10minutes beforeinverting inthemix 12 cup bundt 15 18 min Useallbatter Rotate 1 4 turnevery5 minutes Letstand15 20 minutesbeforeinverting tocool candies 1 Always usemicrowave safe utensils glassorpl...

Страница 15: ...heating Conventionally partial covering allowsexcesssteamtoescape Venting plasticwrap orcoveringwithwaxpaperservesthesamepurposewhen microwaving Arranging on hen Shelf Inconventional baking youposition foods suchastomatoesor potatoes sothathotaircanflowaround them Whenmicrowaving youarrangefoodsina ring sothatall sidesareexposedtomicrowave energy Stirring In range top cooking youstir foodsupfromth...

Страница 16: ...Washitcarefullyinwarm sudsywateror inthedishwasher Thetraycanbebrokenifdropped Remember donotoperatetheoven withoutthecookingtrayinplace Specialnotewhenusing Brown NSearDish If greaseis present highheatgeneratedon bottomofa Brown NSeardish maycausethegreasetoburnonto theoventray Thismaybe removed witha cleansersuchasBarKeepers Friend CleanserbySerVaas Laboratories Inc AfterusingBarKeepersFriend Cl...

Страница 17: ...intheadaptermust bealignedwiththelargerslotinthe wallreceptacletoprovideproper polarityintheconnection ofthe powercord Caution Attachingtheadapter groundterminaltothewall receptaclecoverscrewdoesnot groundtheapplianceunlessthe coverscrewismetal andnot insulated andthewallreceptacle isgroundedthroughtheho se wiring Youshouldhavethecircuit checkedbya qualifiedelectrician tomakesurethereceptacleis pr...

Страница 18: ...RC00KEDOR offoodsinoven Setadditional cookingtimeforcompletion LJP JDHWOOKED e is was not rotated turned Or stirred SOITW didw requirespecificinstructions CheckCookingGuideorrecipeforinstructions A4 T hew Things Are Normal withyour M ifmwaveoven Steamor vaporescapingfrom aroundthedoor Lightreflectionarounddooror outercase Dullthumpingsoundwhileoven isoperating SomeTV Radio interference mightbenoti...

Страница 19: ...wforfurtherhelp FIRST contactthepeoplewho servicedyourappliance Explain whyyouare notpleased Inmost cases thiswillsolvetheproblem NEXT ifyouarestillnotpleased writeallthedetails including yourphonenumber to Manager ConsumerRelations Hotpoint AppliancePark Louisville Kentucky40225 FINALLY ifyourproblemisstill notresolved write MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago Illinois60...

Страница 20: ...icersduringnormalworking hours LookintheWhiteorYellowPages ofyourtelephonedirectoryfor HOTPOINT FACTORY SERVICE GENERALELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORY SERVICE or HOTPOINT CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE WHATIS NOTCOVERED lwrow installation Failureoftheproductif it is usedfor Ifyouhaveaninstallationproblem otherthanits intendedpurposeor contactyourdealerorinstaller You usedcommercially areresponsibleforproviding a...
