Hotpoint RB524P Скачать руководство пользователя страница 8

Содержание RB524P

Страница 1: ...tionInstructions Leveling 5 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 B 25N B525GN m536N B532GN Oven 13 20 Baking BakingGuide 14 15 Broiling BroilingGuide 18 19 ContinuousCleaning 24 DoorRemoval 20 Light BulbReplacement 13 20 Contiuom Clean models m636N M632GN Roasting RoastingGuide 16 17 ThermostatAdjustment 21 e VentDuct 20 ProblemSolver 25 SafetyInstructions 3 4 SurfaceCooking 8 11 ControlSettings 8 CookwareTips...

Страница 2: ...e or servicecalls concerningyourrange ChecktheProblemSolverinthe backof thisboo It listscausesof minoroperatingproblemsthatyou can correctyourself If youneedservice Toobtainservice seethe ConsumerServicespagein the backof thisbook We reproudofourserviceand wantyouto bepleased If forsome reasonyouarenothappywiththe serviceyoureceive herearethree stepsto followforfurtherhelp F ST contactthepeoplewho...

Страница 3: ...ncontactwith hotheatingel mentsandmay causeseverebulms euse onlydry pot holders moistordamppotholdersonhot surfacesmayresultinburnsfrom steam Donotletpotholders touchhotheatingelements Donotusea towelorother bulkycloth For your safety neveruse yourappliance forwarmingor heatingthe room Fiee l hfiodandgreasefilters clt fin to nainlain goodventing snd 0avoidgreasefires Donotletcookinggrease or i the...

Страница 4: ...willalso illlprove efficiency eve eav surfaceUni unattended athighheatsettings Boilover causessmoking and greasyspillovers thatmaycatch onfire Bes edrip pansand Vent ductsare not coveredatidare in place Theirabsence dining cooking couiddamage range partsandwiring o 9tusea minurn fOiltO Hnedrip ansoranywhere in theovenexceptasdescribed in thisbook Misusecouldresultin a shock firehazardordamageto th...

Страница 5: ... thesurf ace unit Cookfreshvegetables witha minimumamountofwaterin a coveredpan eWatchfoodswhenbringingthem quicklytocookingtemperatures at highheat Whenfoodreaches cookingtemperature reduceheat immediately to lowestsettingthat willkeepit cooking Useresidualheatwithsurface cookingwheneverpossible For example whencookingeggsin the shell bringwaterandeggsto boil thenturnto OFFpositionand covercookwa...

Страница 6: ... 4 Note not all doorshave windows 1 __ k 1 RB524P RB525N RB525GN 6 I ...

Страница 7: ...pDevice 3 26 28 SeeInstallationInstructions 10 OvenVentDuct 20 Locatedunderrightrear surfaceunit 11 OvenInteriorLight Comeson automatically when I 20 dooris opened onmodelssoequipped 12 OvenLightSwitch formodelswithovendoorwindow 13 13 BroilUnit 20 14 BakeUnit Maybe liftedgentlyfor wipingovenfloor 14 15 OvenShelf numbermayvary 13 16 OvenShelfSupports 13 17 BroilerPanandRack 18 onmodelssoequipped 1...

Страница 8: ...earance varies Step 2 Turneitherclockwiseor counterclockwise to desired heatsetting Control must be pushed in to set only from OWFposition When control is in any position other than 0FF9 it may be rotated without pushing in Be sureyouturncontrolto 0 whenyoufinishcooking An indicatorlightwillglowwhen ANYheaton any surface urlitis on HIGH HI MED HI MED Low Lo W M WM NOTE for Quickst al t forcooking ...

Страница 9: ...endedfor mostsurface cooking However whencanning withwater bathor pressurecanner 1arger diameter potsmaybe used Thisis becauseboilingwater temperatures evenunderpressure arenotharmfulto cooktopsurfaces surroundingthe surfaceunits HOWEVER DONOTUSE LARGEDIAMETERCANNERS OROTHERLARGEDIAMETER POTSFORFRY G ORBOILING FOODSOTHERTHANWATER Mostsyrupor saucemixtures andall typesof frying cookat temperaturesm...

Страница 10: ...vereggswithcool LO Cookonly3 to4 minutes forsoftcooked 15minutesfor hardcooked ContinuecookingatMEDHI untilwhitesarejust set about 3 to 5 moreminutes LO thenaddeggs Whenbottoms ofeggshavejustset carefully turn overtocookotherside LO Carefullyaddeggs Cook uncovered about5 nnutes at MEDHI MED Addeggmixture Cook stirringtodesireddoneness water Coverpan cookuntil steaming MEDHIMeltbutter addeggs andco...

Страница 11: 10minutes Greaselightly Cook2 to 3 minutesperside W Pask Noodlesor spaghetti Uselargeenoughkettleto preventboilover Pasta doublesinsizewhencooked overed argeKettle r Pot GH Incoveredkettle bring altedwaterto aboil uncover indaddpastaslowlysoboiling ioesnotstop MEDHI Cookuncovered untiltender Forlargeamounts HIGHmaybeneeded tokeepwate atrollingboilthroughout entire cookingtime Cookershouldjiggle...

Страница 12: ...dSTOPdialsto automatically stcwt andstopoven at a latertimeofday It takesthe worryoutofnotbeinghometo startor stoptheoven SettingthedialsforTIMEBAKE is explainedin detailintheBaking sectionofthisbook C1ockand Minute Timer Clockstyleon modelsso equipped Thismodelhas a timeof dayclock andminutetimerbutdoesnothave STARTandSTOPdialsneededfor TIMEBAKEfunction L L _ Questions andAnswers A YourMinuteTime...

Страница 13: ...y more than about 10 minutes Preheattheovenonlywhen necessary Mostfoodswillcook satisfactorily withoutpreheating If youfindpreheatingis necessary keepaneyeontheindicatorlight andput foodin theovenpromptly afterlightgoesout oven Interiorshelves Theshelvesaredesignedwith stop lockssothatwhenplaced correctly ontheshelfsupports they a willstopbeforecoming completelyfromtheoven and b willnot tilt whenr...

Страница 14: ...wandturn offatalatertimeautomatically Remember foodscontinue cooking aftercontrolsareoff Step 1 TosetStopTime pushin knobonSTOPdialandturnpointer to timeyouwantoventoturnofi forexample6 00 TheDELAY ST T dial somemodelsmaysay START shouldbeat thesame positionasthetimeofdayonclock Step 2 TurnOVENSETknobto TIMEBAKE TurnOVENTEMP knobtooventemperature for example250 F Theovenwillstart immediately andwi...

Страница 15: ... 4000 325 3500 325 3500 350 3750 275 3000 350 3750 350 3750 350 45 65 20 25 2 4hrs 20 35 25 30 40 60 MetalorCeramicPan ShinyMetalMuffinPans MetalorGlassLoaforTubePan ShinyMetalPanwith atin finish bottom A B B A B B B B Paperlinersproducemoistercrusts Use300 F andShelfB forsmallor individualcakes I Layer I Layer chocolate ShinyMetalPanwith satin finishbottom Loaf MetalorGlassLoafPans Cookies Browni...

Страница 16: ...AKE asdescribedin the Bakingsectionofthisbook to turn ovenonandoff automatically Rememberthatfoodwillcontinue to cookin thehotovenand thereforeshouldberemovedwhen the desiredinternaltemperature hasbeenreached For Frozen Roask eFrozenroastsof beef pork lamb etc canbe startedwithout thawing but allow10to 25 minutesperpoundadditionaltime 10minutesperpoundforroasts under5 pounds allowmoretime perpound...

Страница 17: ... DefrostpoultryI ef ore roasting about5 to 1oo If OU WjShto cornpensilte forteillpefi ture increase removetheroflstfronl ovensooner at5 to 10 F less thantenlperaturo in thisg ide Oven Temperature 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 350 325 Doneness _ Rare Medium WellDone Rare Medium WellDone WellDone WellDone ToWarm WellDone WellDone WellDone WellDone ApproximateRoastingTime ilaMinutes per Pound 3 to 5 lb...

Страница 18: therack Withoutthe slits thefoilwill preventfat andmeatjuicesfrom drainingto thebroilerpan The juicescouldbecomehot enoughto catchon fire If youdo not cutthe slits you arefrying notbroiling broiling Thisisbecausechickenis relativelythickerthanf thtir foods youbroil Closingthedoorholds morehetitin theovenwhichallows chickento cookevenlythroughout A Yes Usingtl er cksuspends thtimeatoverthepan ...

Страница 19: ...hickcook throughbeforebrowning Panfryingis recommended Slashfat 1in thick 1to 1Xlbs 1 in thick 2to2fi lbs 10 15 Reducetimeabout5 to 10minutesper sideforcut upchicken Brusheachside withmeltedbutter Broilwithskin side downfirstandbroilwithdoorclosed Chicken 1 whole 2 to 2 lbs split lengthwise A 35 c 1 2 2 c 3 4 B 13 16 c 5 B 8 c 10 B 13 BakeryProducts Bread Toast or 2 to4 slices ToasterPastries 1pkg...

Страница 20: ...ent CAUTION Beforereplacing yourovenlampbulb disconnect theelectricpowerforyourrange at themainfuseor circuit breakerpanel Besureto let the 1ampcoverandbulbcool completelybeforeremovingor replacingthem Whenin use light bulbscanbecomewarmenoughto breakif touchedwithmoistcloth or towel Whencleaning avoid touchingwarmlampswithcleaning clothsif lampcoveris removed The ovenlamp bulb is covered witha gl...

Страница 21: ...nder the trimring CAUTION Do notattemptto cleanplug in surfaceunitsin an automatic dishwasher oDo notimmerseplug insurface unitsin liquidsof anykind oDo notbendtheplug in unitterminals Do notattemptto clean adjustor in any wayrepairtheplug in receptacle justing Oven Khemosbt USC thetime given i13 yf uf recipe whenusingtheovenforthe first ti ne Oventhermostats intime may drift fromthefi ctory setti...

Страница 22: ...e andthenpolish witha drycloth DONOTUSEsteelwool abrasivm amrnotia acidsor commercialovencleailers DO NOTUSEovencleaners cleansingpowdersor harsh abrasives Thesemight scratchthe surface Metal irichiding BrushedChrome Cooktop SoapandWater If acidsshouldspillon the rangewhileit is hot use a dry papertowetor cIothto wipeup rightaway Whenthe surface has cooled washandrinse For otherspills suchas fat s...

Страница 23: ...nse thorouuhlv to removetillmaterialsaftercleaning DONOTUSEdishwasher to Spattersandspillsburnawaywhenthecoilsare ciennthe surfaceunit coils heated Attheendof a meal removetillutensils DONOThoIIdlethe init fromtheCalrod unitandhfiatthesoiledunitsat141 before completely coOied Letthesoilburnoffabouta inin fe andswilchthe unitstoOFF void ettingcleavingmateriaIs onthe DO NOT ixnm rscplugmin coils Wip...

Страница 24: ...ouringpads or mildabrasive 4 Removeexcessspillsand boiloversfromaluminumfoiloven bottomlinerbeforeremovingliner fromoven Thisis toprevent excessliquidsfromspillingonto theporousfinish Thenremove aluminumfoilbottomlinerand cleanmanually Beforecleaning orremovingthe aluminumfoil liner liftbakeunitoutoftheway 5 Cleanovenwindow Usemild non scratchingcleanseranddamp cloth Avoidspillingwateror cleaneron...

Страница 25: ...okedonhotpan Utensilsarenot suitedforbroiling Aluminu n foilusedon thebroilpanrackhasnotbeeiifittedproperlyandslit asrecommended eOVEN SETknobnotsetonBAKE oOVENTEMPknobnotsetcorrectly oShelfpositionis incorrect CheckRoastingorBakihgGuides IIOvenshelfis notlevel sIncol ectcookwareor cookwareof impropersizeisbeingused A fofltentwasnotusedwhenneededto s owdbwi brow ng duringroasting Surfaceunitsareno...

Страница 26: ...ian ins anapproved oudet Becauserangeterrnindsarenotaccessible tier rangeisinposition flexible serviceconduitorcord mustbeused PREmRE TME OPEMIMG l zl spacing is recommended from the range 1 0 adjaccn veriic l wallsabovec oktopsurface Nlow 3011 minimumclearancebetween surface units and bottomofunprotectedwoodor metal top cabinet and 15 1 minimumbetween countertop and adjacentcabinetbottom STEP 1 c...

Страница 27: ...ovidedare used to support the flexiblecord strain retief which must be securely attached to the cord set I II I II WIRING COVER P SHOWN REMOVED CONNECTOR STRAIN RELIEF BI BRACKETS PROVIDED WITH RANGE CORD SET L NOT PARTOF RANGE LOCK J CTOR e MOVABLE TERMINAL NUT 1 Cable Dkect InsmtiOfi Clamp bare wireb betweenthe connectorblockterminalsand movablenuts withscrewstightened securely 1 Copper Wtig Con...

Страница 28: ...lsnecessaryto completetileinstallation Readthe IMPORTNT SN INSTRUCTIONS andthe instructionsthatfityour situationbefore beginninginstallation wMH M6 1 Rangemustbe securedbyN TIP bracket supplied 2 Seeinstructions toinstall supplied with bracket 3 Unlessproperlyinstalled rangecouldbetipped bysteppingorsittingondoor InjuryInightresult fromspilledhotliquidsorfromrangeitself Typicalinstallationof Anti ...

Страница 29: ...ssories sent directly to their home free of shipping charge Our parts systemprovides access to over 47 000 Genuine RenewalParts and all are filly warranted VISA MasterCardand Discover cards are accepted User maintenanceinstructions containedin thisboo et coverproce dms intendedto be performedby anyuser Otherservicinggenerally shodd be referredto qu ed ser vice personnel Cautionmustbe exercised sin...

Страница 30: ...u how to use the product Read your Use and Care material if you then have any questions about operating the product please contact your dealer or our Consumer Affairs office at the address below or cali toll free GE Answer CenteF 800 626 2000 consumer information service e Improper installation If you have an installation problem contact your dealer or installer You are responsible for providing a...
