Hotpoint HDA2000G Скачать руководство пользователя страница 19

Содержание HDA2000G

Страница 1: ...s 11 DisplayPanel 7 9 Econo 120 System 10 EnergySaver 5 Energy Saving Tips 2 FrontPanelColorChange 19 Loading 12 13 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 OperatingInstructions 4 5 CycleSelection 4 Dishwashing Shortcut 6 DryingOptions 5 6 ProblemSolver 15 17 RepairService 19 RinseAgent 10 SafetyInstructions 3 UserMaintenance Instructions 18 Warranty BackCover WaterTemperature 10 WinterStorage 18 GEAnsvv er cente...

Страница 2: ...aving tips Operatedishtvasher iiy when it sfull Letthedishesaccumulate indishwasher Whenyouput in onlya partialload usetheNNSE HOLDcycletorinseoffheavy soils Besureto latchthedoor whenwaitingfora fullload This helpskeepsoilsmoist easierto remove Alwaysselectthecyclethat uses leastamount ofwater thatwill removethesoilfromtheload Seepage6 If youdon tneedyourdishesright away useyourEMRGY SAWR dryingf...

Страница 3: ...ssothat theyarenotlikelytodamage thedoorseal and B Loadsharpkniveswiththe handlesuptoreducetherisk ofcut typeinjuries Donottouchtheheating elementduringorimmediately afieruse Donotoperateyourdishwasher unlessallenclosurepanelsare properlyinplace Donottamperwithcontrols Donotabuse siton or stand onthedoorordishrackofthe dishwasher Closesl pervision isnecessary ifthisapplianceisusedbyornear children...

Страница 4: ...shesmaybeincluded or soilsthathavenotdriedon It saveshotwateroverthehigher NOmAL WBH For loadsof performancecycles thussaving everydaydisheswithmediumsoils Designedtoyieldhighpetiormance energy onnormalloads CHINA CRYSTA For lightly soiledchinaandcrystal Thewash actionis sofienedbypumpingair alongwiththe watertoprotectyour delicateitems Pre rinsedishware beforeloading Followloading instructionsonp...

Страница 5: ...mepossible problems ENERGYSAWR Shutsoff dryingheater Dishesair dry natuzally It takeslonger butsaves qnergy Ibu canpropdooropen about3 inchesaftermotorstops to speeddrying Excellentfor overnightdrying Informationdisplayed Selectedwashcycle Selecteddry option Tochangea cycleafterwashing stirb touchthe CLEAR RESET padtocancelcycle Afterwateris pumpedoutandmotorstops you canreprogramandrestartthe dis...

Страница 6: ...l LIGHTWASH 9 3gal RINSR HOLD I 3 7gal CycleTime CycleSequence Approx 1 Pre Washl Pre Rinse Pre Rinse Main Rinse Rinse 64minutes Pre Rinse Wash Pre Washl Pre Rinse Pre Rinse Main Rinse Rinse 4minutes Pre Rinse Wash Pre Rinse Pre Rinse Main Rinse Rinse MOminutes Wash Pre Rinse Pre Rinse Pre Rinse Main Rinse Rinse 43 minutes Wash Pre Rinse Pre Rinse 10minutes Unextended times Thesecycle timesmaybein...

Страница 7: ...YSTAL cycle IndicatesRINSE HOLDcycle Remainsonuntilthedoorisunlatched IndicatesENERGYSAVER DryOption IndicatesHEATEDDRYINGDryOption I Displayed duringPre wash Pre rinseandMainWashperiods Displayed duringRinseperiodsfollowing theMainWash IndicatesHEATEDDRYINGhasbeenselected Indicateswaterbeingheated in washperiod to temperaturenecessaryforgood washability Theminutescountdown isonholdforuptoamaximum...

Страница 8: ...rainproblems q I Similartoblockeddrainas Locateandremovetheblockage inthedrainsystemas LC explainedabove butthe E2 explained above Topumpanyremainingwateroutofthe indicates thatthedrainis so machine cloggedthatthedishwashercannot 1 Latchdoor continue tooperateinasatisfactory manner Dishwasher wi stop 2 Selectanycycle 3 Touch START andthenimmediately touch CLEAR RESET N E Warrantyservicedoesnotcove...

Страница 9: ...thecycleagain Checkthe chartaboveforthings youcandotocorrectthe problem Unlatchthedoor If thereisnowaterinthebottomofthe dishwasher checkthewatersupplytothedishwasher ISthedishwasherwaterSUpply turnedon Valve usuallylocatedunderthe sink Isthehouseholdwatersupplyturnedon If youusewellor cisternwater isthesupplyadequate If thewatersupplyis adequate try thecycleagain If ES repeats callforservice Unla...

Страница 10: ... F andyoucannot adjustyourwaterheater Selecta longercycleandfillbothdetergent cupsat leasthalf fullwith detergent Howtome arinse agent A rinseagentmakeswaterflow offdishesquickerthanusual This lessenswaterspottingandmakes dryingfaster too Forbestdishwashing performance useofa rinseagentsuchasJET DRYbrandisrecommended Rinseagentscomeineitherliquid or solidform Yourdishwasher s dispenserusestheliqui...

Страница 11: ... Yourdishwasher hasa built in softfooddisposerthatpulverizes softfoodbitsandflushesthemaway It canhandlesmal amountsof softfoods butlargeamountsof foodwillbedifficulttohandle 3 Trytoremovefoodscrapsand placedishesindishwasherbefore soilhasachancetodryandbecome hard Disheswithdried onsoilare moredifficulttowashandmay notcomecleanintheNORMAL WASHcycle Rememberto use yourWNSE HOLDcyclefor small holdi...

Страница 12: ...gsnextto it Also be carefulnottoieta portionofan itemsuchasa potor Llish har dleexter d throughthebottomrack Thiscould i lock the washarmandca lse poor washingresults How to load the TOPM CK Thetoprackisbestforglasses cupsandsaucers Cups andglassesfitbestalongthesides Thisistheplacefor dishwasher safe plastics too Makesuresmallplastic itemsarelodgedintightlysotheycan tfallontothe Calrod heatinguni...

Страница 13: ...tributeevenly Smallplastic items suchasmeasuringspoonsandlidsfromsmall containersarenotrecommendedforautomatic o dishwashing If placedinthedishwasher theyshouldgo inthebottomofsilverware basketwithsilverware ontop Precaution t Takeoutanythingthatmayfallor extendthroughthe 7 uotfomof the basket Loadplatters pots pansandbowlsalongthesides in cornersor intheback Alllargeitems suchaspitchers saladbowl...

Страница 14: ...y Saltyor acidfoods canstainiflefton SterlingSilver YES Don tputinsamesilverware Rinseifnotwashingimmediately Saltyor acidfoodscan and Silver basketwithstainlesssteel stainiflefton Drydetergentcancausedifficult to remove plate Contactbetweenmetalscan blackspots Placeinbacksectionofsilverware basketto damagesilver avoidexposuretodetergentfromthedetergentcup Don twashcopperutensilsin thesameload Sil...

Страница 15: ... UNCLEAN DISHES Check inlet water temperature It should be at least 120 F Totest see page 10 AND FLATWARE Waterpressuremaybetemporarilylow Turnona faucet Is watercomingoutslower thanusual If so waituntilpressureisnormalbeforeusingyourdishwasher Pluggedairgap Seepage18 Improperrackloading Seepages12and 13 BLACKORGRAY Aluminumdepositsoftenleavemarkswhentheyrub againstotherthings Remove MARKSONDISHES...

Страница 16: ...l ofwhitevinegarintothebottomof thedishwasher Closethe doorandallowthedishwashertocompletethecycle If vinegarrinsedoesn twork Repeatasabove exceptuse 1 4cup 60d ofcitric acidcrystalsinsteadofvinegar Mostdrugstorescarry citricacidcrystis If yours doesn t callHotpointFactoryService Usinga vinegaror citricacidcrystalrinsemorethantwicea month ConsiderahGme watersoftener If vinegaror citricacidcrystalr...

Страница 17: ...her drainsintoadisposer run thedisposerto clear Besurethedisposeris notclogged SeetheDISPLAYPANEL pages4 and5 SUDSIN THETUB Sudsingdetergentsarenotmeantfordishwashers USEONLYAU MATIC DISHWASHER DETERGENTS AVOID SUDSING ToremoveSU from the tub Openthedishwasher Let sudsevaporate Add 1gallon ofcoldwatertothetub Closeandlatchthedishwasher Topumpoutwater touch START twotimes thenimmediately touchCLEAR...

Страница 18: ...cpowertothe dishwasher Remove fusesortrip circuitbreaker Turnoffthewatersupply Disconnectthewaterinletline fromthewatervalve Drainwaterfromtheinletline andwatervalve Useapanto catchthewater Reconnect thewaterinletlineto thewatervalve Removetheplasticpumpcoverin thetubbottomandusea spongeto soakup waterintherubberboot Built in dishwashers Often useanair gape Keepit Clean An air gap is a plumbing de...

Страница 19: ...andscrews 7 Replacethe entirepanelandfour attachmentscrews Note Othercolorpanelsare available forthismodel Checkthe coloryouwantonthecolorpanel cardsuppliedwithyourdishwasher andmailit to us Do notoperatethedishwasher whi echangingpanelsorwhen loweraccesspaneiis removed Colorpane s canbereplacedby 1 4 thickwoodinsertsto match yourkitchencabinets Getthem fromyournearestcabinetor lumberdealer Dimens...

Страница 20: ...VICE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOTPOINT FACTORYSERVICE or HOTPOINT CUSTOMER CARE SERVICE COVERED eservice trips toyour home fo Replacement of house fuses or teach you how to use the product resetting of circuit breakers ReadyourUseandCaremat rial Cleaning or servicing of air gap If you then have any questions device in drain line about operating the product please contact your dealer or our e Failure of th...
