KDAR Company
Gas Connection
Cylinder can explode if damaged. Keep cylinder chained upright to a secure support.
Keep cylinder away from areas where it could be damaged.
Never lift or move the welder with the cylinder attached.
Do not let the welding electrode touch the cylinder.
Keep the cylinder away from welding or other live circuits.
Shielding Gas may be harmful to health or cause death.
Turn off gas supply when not in use.
Refer to American National Standard Z-49.1, “Safety in Welding and Cutting” from the Ameri-
can Welding Society for more information.
Gas Hook Up
When using the GMAW process, a cylinder of shielding gas
must be used. Shielding gas cylinders and gas can be obtained
at a local gas supply or some farm supply stores. The recom-
mended gases for the Hot Max WFG welders is either Welding
grade CO2 or a Argon/CO2 blend with 75-80% Argon and 20-
25% CO2 (see Suggested Settings chart on the welder com-
partment door).
1. Insure the cylinder is properly secured to a wall or other
stationary support to prevent it from falling over during
setup or operation. Be sure the cylinder is insulated from
the work circuit and ground.
2. Once the cylinder is properly secured, remove the cylinder
cap. Standing to one side slowly open the cylinder valve
for an instant to blow away any debris that may have accu-
mulated in the valve outlet.
3. Attach the flow regulator (Figure 5) to the cylinder valve
and tighten with a wrench.
4. Attach one end of the gas hose to the output fitting of the
regulator (1) and tighten securely with a wrench.
5. Test to insure the flow regulator is closed by opening cylin-
der valve slightly. If the regulator is not closed turn the
black knob counter clockwise until the flow of gas has
Figure 4
Figure 5