Before attempting to load the header wagon, ensure the wagon is either attached to the tow vehicle or the wheels have
been secured with wheel chocks to prevent unwanted movement during the loading process. To start using the header
wagon, two basic adjustments should be made for the initial setup:
• Universal Header Pads
Top Rail System
Universal Header Pads
To prevent potential injury, avoid working around the
wagon with the header positioned above it. To ensure
safe working conditions, move the header away from the
wagon when making adjustments.
5 Basic Configurations
Base Pad - low profile corn head
Large Pad - for most draper heads
High Back Pad - for flex draper head
Low Back Pad - for standard cutting platform
Low Back - for standard corn head
Determine the type of header that you have and configure
the universal header pads to best fit your header. (
Configure Header Pads
Position Header Pads
You can fine tune the header pad by making height, tilt
and depth setting adjustments.(
Adjust the position of the header pads along the wagon
bottom rail to align with the skid plate heel,(corn header)
or space the header pads close to the front and back
along the bottom main beam of the header (grain header).
Ensure the heal of the header will sit firmly on the header
Position the header evenly from front to back on the
wagon, do not position the header beyond the front of the
top rail to ensure there is adequate clearance between the
tow vehicle and header. If extra clearance is required the
tongue may be extended up to 91.5 cm (3.0’).
Initial Setup
Pinch Hazard
Keep hands away from mounting
points and pads while loading the
header. Potential pinch hazard exist
between the wagon and header
Drop Hazard
Be aware that an unsecured
load may fall from the wagon.
Proceed with caution until the
load has been secured.
Operational Hazard
Chock wheels when
loading or unloading the
wagon to prevent unwanted