turbomax B27
Bei Verwendung einer Solaranlage Batterietest nur zu Tagesbeginn durchfüh-
ren ( ohne Solarstromzuführung - Panel abdecken )
Gerätegriff gemäß Fig. 3a entriegeln und ab-
ziehen. Geräteoberteil abnehmen. Batterieanschlüsse abneh-
Neue Batterie einsetzen und Anschlüsse ( rot an + ) aufstecken.
Oberteil aufsetzen, Griff auf die Schwalbenschwanzführung
aufschieben, bis die unteren Haken einrasten.
Das Gerät entspricht den Sicherheitsvorschriften für Elektrozaungeräte.
Service Batteriegerät:
steckbare Module ermöglichen einen raschen, problemlosen Aus-
tausch bei Ihrem Fachhändller, siehe Fig. 4a/4b. Die Abdeckplatte im Oberteil des Gerätes
wird zu diesem Zweck gemäß Fig. 3b angehoben.
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten !
Operating instruction for electric fence controller
turbomax B27
in connection with safety hints SECURA ANIMAL
SECURA SECURITY (www.horizont.com/securaanimal or
Energizer has to be turned OFF before any intervention!
Installation and connection:
Connect the 2 parts of the earth
and support rod with the ground cable. acc. to the figures (fig.1
+ 4a). Drive the ground rod to its stop into a rather moisty place
close to the fence. Place the controller on the support and con-
nect the earth and fence cable to the marked terminals. Attach
the fence cable to the fence.
Turboeffect: The turboeffect is a new developped circuit design
made by horizont (Pat.pend.). This effect provides on the one
hand an extraordinary good fencing capability in connection
with dry ground and on the other hand the maximum possible
fence voltage within the standards in case of animals contact
(500 ohm). This is achieved by employing a second high vol-
tage impulse switched on and off automatically.
Operation and control:
Press button 1-0, after few seconds a
slight tick-tac can be heard. The fence controllamp flashes with
the pulses. There is no flashing if the fence voltage falls below
the minimum voltage of 2000 V;
possible reasons:
1) empty battery,
2) heavy vegetation on the fence, insulator
flashover or fence too long.
battery control:
press button:
steady green light = battery capacity available,
flashing green light = battery must be replaced within 2 days;
no green light
= battery empty.
a red lamp flashes with the pulses when vegetation is on the fence with still full
voltage on the fence but increased current consumption. In case of good fence insulation
the red lamp does not flash; with low current drain out of the battery due to the master-
dialog circuit. Check battery and fence daily.
In case of solar supply the battery check must be carried out only at the be-
ginning of the day ( disconnect the solar supply cable and cover the solar panel )
Change of the battery:
Depress the retention catches of the
handle and slide it off (fig.3a). Separate the upper controller unit
from the battery housing. Change the battery and connect the
battery red lead to the + positive terminal on the underside of
the controller unit and the black lead to the - negative terminal.
Refit the unit to the battery housing and slide the handle into
position ensuring the retention catches are engaged.
An effective earthing is a precondition for a well operating fence installation, in
order to achieve this follow SECURA.
The controller is designed to conform to the corresponding standard.
Plug in modules can be replaced easily by your dealer, where in the event of failure
the fault is likely to be on the printed board.
Technical changes reserved !