E-flite Divo 3D Profile Assembly Manual
4. Use foam-safe CA to glue the horizontal fuselage
braces to the vertical fuselage. Make sure the top edge of
the brace is aligned with the bottom edge of the slot for
the horizontal fuselage, as this will help in keeping the
horizontal fuselage square to the vertical fuselage.
5. Align the slot in the horizontal fuselage with the
stabilizer. Use foam-safe CA to glue the horizontal
fuselage to the stabilizer ONLY.
6. Apply a couple drops of foam-safe CA near the
firewall to tack glue the horizontal and vertical fuselage
pieces together. Only glue around a 1/4-inch (4mm)
section at this time near the firewall.
7. Remove the firewall and glue the two triangular
fuselage braces in position. Make sure they are
positioned so they will not interfere with the installation of
the firewall later in the assembly.