U426_flowtherm Ex_B_e_171206
TA – Standard conditions
Menu -> Settings -> Sensor -> TA Input -> Standard conditions
Standard conditions for Höntzsch are +21 °C (70 °F) and 1014 hPa (14.7 psia). Any standard condition
can be set via the standard temperature and standard atmospheric pressure parameters.
Standard temperature
Input value in °C
Standard pressue
Input value in hPa
Standard density
Input value in kg/m³ depending on set standard conditions for calculating the mass flow rate.
TA - Pairs of values
Menu -> Settings -> Sensor -> TA Input -> Pairs of values
If pairs of values is selected (see, then the values stored here for determining the measured
value are applied as a calibration curve.
Selection: Configuration = enter the quantity of pairs of values (minimal 2, maximal 30) for pro-
cessing and display
Pairs of values = display and change of pairs of values.
A pair of values always consists of a velocity value in m/s and a frequency
value in Hz.
The condition being: the pairs of values must be ever increasing, i.e. the
next velocity and frequency value must always be greater than the
previous one.
Example for quantity = 03
01:000.50m/s, 06000Hz
02:010.00m/s, 08350Hz
03:040.00m/s, 12770Hz
If the frequency measured value is greater than in the last pair of values, then the velocity value is
calculated. However, this means that the measurement uncertainty increases as this value is then outside
the calibrated range.
Note: For switching between different calibration gases each pair of values calibration for the respective
calibration gas can be saved in its own profile (see 5.3.25)
Resetting the factory settings (see 5.3.22) has no impact on the saved profile. Changing the pairs of val-
ues for the various calibration gases can only be reconstructed via the documentation in the Technical Da-
ta Sheet and calibration certificate.
Pt100 input settings for temperature measurement:
PT100 - Unit
Menu -> Settings -> Sensor -> Pt100 Input -> Unit
The parameter unit to be set here affects the measured value display
= display of temperature in °C
= display of temperature in °F