8.6 Facepiece test
The Facepiece Test sequence is intended to test the
facepiece only, when facepieces are being tested
separately from the rest of the SCBA. The test
sequence includes the Visual Inspection, Facepiece
Leak Test, and Breathing Machine Tests.
All SCBA and Airline Apparatus are shown when
choosing the model for testing. You should choose the
model that matches the SCBA being used for the
breathing test, as well as the facepiece.
The same Visual Inspection checklist is shown as for
complete SCBAs. Obviously, only the components
contained in a facepiece should be inspected during a
Facepiece Test.
8.7 Breathing Machine Test
The breathing machine test allows you to test the
dynamic pressures at different breathing rates and test
durations. It is normally only used for diagnostic
purposes. The test will not start automatically because
the user is allowed to set the breathing rate and
duration of the test. Click the Start Breathing button
when you are ready to start the test.
8.8 Cylinder Tracking
Cylinder tracking does not use the functionality of the
TestAir 4 device. It is used to keep records of the
hydrostatic test dates of your cylinders. To update the
hydrostatic test date, you must first choose the serial
number to be updated. If the model or serial number of
the cylinder you wish to track is not in the list you are
shown, you may enter a new mode
(New models may only be entered in the Standard
version of the software.)
When the serial number is chosen, the serial number
information and parameters of the model will be
displayed on the screen. You may click the retire
button to retire the cylinder, or enter the most recent
hydrostatic test date in the box. Click Accept when you
are done. If you wish to track another serial number,
click Choose Serial Number again. Otherwise, click
Close to exit the screen.