G.R. • Rev. 4-95 • ©Honeywell Inc. 1995
Spring Return
Direct Coupled Actuator
The ML6185 Spring Return Direct Coupled
Rotary Actuator is a floating control motor that can
be used with controls that provide switched or
floating single pole double throw (spdt) control
output to operate dampers in heating, ventilation,
and air conditioning (HVAC) applications.
Mounts directly on horizontal 3/8 in., 1/2 in., and
5/8 in. round and square damper shafts by using the
appropriate insert. Most models are shipped with 1/
2 in. insert.
Provides 50 lb-in. running and spring return torque.
Magnetic coupling eliminates the need for mechani-
cal stops or limit switch adjustments by limiting
stall torque to 130 lb-in. maximum.
stroke provides necessary compression of rub-
ber/neoprene gaskets commonly used on 90
leakage dampers.
88 second synchronous timing can eliminate need
for feedback position indication in closed-loop tem-
perature control applications.
Removable splined output hub permits premounting
of the hub on the damper shaft, providing installation
Reversible mounting allows actuator to be used for
either clockwise (cw) or counterclockwise (ccw)
spring rotation.
Designed for both single-point and three-point mount-
ing, providing installation flexibility.
Available with or without a time-out feature. Models
without the time-out feature are designed to be used
with intelligent building management system and/or
Standard models have two 8 mm x 12 mm long set
screws for securing the damper shaft. Actuator
models are available for various shaft sizes that will
allow the damper shaft to operate centered inside the
output hub.
Standard one-meter cable with color-coded lead-
wires allows external wire connections with 1/2 in.
conduit connectors.
Can mount two or more actuators on one damper
shaft to increase output torque for use on dampers
larger than 16 square feet.
Specifications ................................................. 2
Ordering Information ..................................... 2
Installation ..................................................... 4
Operation ....................................................... 9
Checkout ....................................................... 11