MeshGuard LEL IR & CO2 IR User’s Guide
External Battery Usage
An external battery unit, the RAE Systems RAE PowerPak, should be used with the MeshGuard CO2 IR instead
of a smaller battery. A RAE PowerPak is used to power the MeshGuard LEL IR in situations where extended
battery life is necessary. The connector from the external battery screws into the instrument’s battery
compartment. Bottom views of the instrument in its steel enclosure are shown in the procedure below.
1. Remove battery cover with the 3-pin end of the sensor and battery removal tool by turning
2. Lift off the cover.
3. Insert the power end of the cable
connected to the PowerPak.
4. Use the open hex end of the wrench, and with both pins mated
with the two holes on the power end, tighten by turning clockwise until it is snug. Do not overtighten.
Consult the RAE PowerPak User’s Guide for further connection and charging information.
Power end
of cable
Cord to