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MI Modem
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Use either Terminal in Windows or another communications
package and configure the program so that the host modem
profile can be viewed. To check if communication is established
with the host modem, type AT and press enter. On the screen
there should be a response from the modem of either "0" or
"OK". If no response is received, check the programs
settings for baud rate and communication port.
Reset the modem to its factory default profile by typing AT&F
and press enter. Exit the program and try the phone call again.
To communicate with the Mercury Modem, you must disable
data compression, flow control and error correction. These
commands will vary depending on your host modem
manufacturer. In the Link package for the instrument you are
calling, go into Setup on the main menu line. Select
Communications and in the Modem Connection section of the
screen under Modem Init String type the appropriate AT
Example Init String for modems &K0\N0%C0
If communications fail, check the host modem manual for all
appropriate AT commands.