4. Heading Selector Knob - ROTATE BUG to agree
with OBS course.
stops flashing, if CDI needle is to the left,
aircraft will turn to an intercept course 45º to the left of
selected (Heading Bug) course; and 45º to the right is
CDI needle is to the right.
5. If the Course Deviation Bar is greater than 2 to 3
dots the autopilot will annunciate NAV ARM; when the
computed capture point is reached the ARM
annunciator will go out and the selected course will be
automatically captured and tracked. If the D-Bar is less
than 2 to 3 dots: the HDG mode will disengage upon
selecting NAV mode; the NAV annunciator will
illuminate and the capture/track sequence will
automatically begin.
6. Press NAV button again and the autopilot will return
to the ROL mode.
Note: it is important to understand that in installations
with a DG the Heading Bug is supplying the OBS signal
to the autopilot. The CDI does not output the necessary
signal strength for where the OBS card is set.
Therefore, Heading Bug must correspond with desired
VOR/LOC/GPS track. When following a GPS flight
plan, the Heading Bug must be repositioned to the next
waypoint course as soon as it is captured and the
aircraft begins the turn towards the new track.