ISA100 Gen X Radio Module User's Guide
Release Independent
April 2018
table by passing the UAPMO parameter numbers refer column1 of Table 7 Detailed Device
Status. If the Alert is enabled , the device status and the alert diagnostic bit are set, and the
device is not in alarm, the parameter value of the UAPMO alert descriptor variable gets
changed to indicate the device is in alarm and that there is a change in the alert status. The
stack message is sent from the Sensor to the Radio to indicate the status of the alarm.
The function
is called for sending the alarm .This function internally
for transmitting the alarm.
Every Alarm/Event consists of the following fields:
UAPMO object ID (or if an AI object generates the alarm, that object ID will come).
Alert Class – Event/ Alarm;
UAPMO Diagnostic Alert types – Failure Status/Out of Spec/ Maintenance/function check
Alarm Direction: In Alarm/Return to Normal(No Alarm)
Alert Category: Device Diagnostic/ Process/ Security/Communication Diagnostic
Alert Priority
Alert Value
When the Input Fail Alarm goes off, the Sensor again sends the message to indicate the
change in Status.
An Alert is of two types, an
. This is indicated by the Alert class. An Event can
be a device restart or Firmware upgrade failed, and so on. An example Event generation when
device is restarted is given in the function
Alert Type notifies the type of alarm that you are generating. Each Alert is given a number
starting from 0 to 255. The Alert types must be defined in the Attribute ID 101 of each object
within the DD to convert these numbers to strings to show in the User Interface. Attribute 101
does not exist in the device. It exists in the DD file for alert type to string conversion for user
visible strings.
Alert Categories are of four types. Generally, the Device Diagnostics and process alerts are
generated or handled by the Sensor board and the security and communication alerts are handled
or generated by the Radio.
Alert Direction is used for alarm to indicate alarm occurrence or return of the alarm to
normal condition.