the switching power supply circuit.
Figure 4-1 Sample Wire Routing
Ground fault and wire to wire short impedance to any terminal is 0
Current Requirements (Standby and Alarm)
Current Drawn From Host Panel
Table 4-1 shows the HPF902ULADA current draw requirements from the main control panel when the panel’s
notification appliance circuit is in alarm. The current draw from the main panel when it is supervising the
HPF902ULADA is the same current draw that would be present when the main panel supervises an ordinary
notification appliance circuit.
Current Drawn from Battery
Batteries used with the HPF902ULADA must not exceed 35AH. (33AH max. for FM (Factory Mutual)
Installations). Batteries larger than 7 AH will not fit into the HPF902ULADA cabinet and must be housed in the
Table 4-1: Alarm Current Drawn From Main Control Panel
Panel Voltage
Alarm Current (for typical voltages) drawn
from main panel’s notification appliance
12 VDC
6.5 mA
24 VDC
One input circuit: 15 mA
Both input circuits: 30 mA
Note: The use of this knock out will reduce the number and/or size
of batteries this cabinet can contain. Evaluation of space is
important before using.