Q: I hear the fan turning, but I don’t see any mist. Is my humidifier operating
Dry air is pulled through the Natural Cool Moisture™ system and a fan disperses
invisible, moisture balanced air. There is no “mist” emitted. When operating nor-
mally you will feel only cool air coming from the unit. Monitor the water level in
your tank/base. If you notice a decrease in the Water Tank over 24 hours then
the unit is operating normally.
Q: My unit has been running for several hours. I hear the fan spinning, but I do not
notice the water level in the tank decreasing.
First, check the Natural Cool Moisture™ filters to be sure they’re wet. If a pad
appears dry, remove it from the base and gently rinse under cool water.
Reposition wet filter in the base. You may also want to note the current moisture
level in your home. If the humidity level is over 60% the unit will not put out
much moisture as your air is already saturated.
Q: The humidifier is not running (the fan is not even spinning), but all (or some) of
the lights are on.
If the Desired Humidity light is ON: The Moisture Control knob may be set too
low. Moving the Moisture Control knob to the HIGH setting should restart the
Q: The humidistat was set according to the manual, but the humidifier never
seems to turn back on. Is something wrong?
The humidistat may be set too low. Moving the humidistat knob to the highest
setting should restart the unit. Reset the humidistat following the instructions
Q: The humidistat was set according to the manual, but the humidifier never
seems to turn off. Is something wrong?
The humidistat may be set too high. Reset the Moisture Control knob following
the instructions under FEATURES.
Q: My Natural Cool Moisture filter is Discoloring. Do I need a new one?
Probably not. Since your Natural Cool Moisture™ filters have been made with
HealthShield™ technology, the change indicates only a mineral deposit. Soak fil-
ters in a sink full of cool water for 10 minutes and place back in humidifier wet.
Some discoloration may remain but should not affect the humidifier’s performance.
Q: Water only seems to be draining from one tank, is this normal?
Yes, water may drain from one tank completely or partially before the second
tank starts to drain. This is normal and does not reduce the ability of the humidi-
fier to put out moisture.