Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Fluid installation of GasLab Q2
For all work described in the following, the recognized rules of technology for handling high purity
gases and the piping plans drawn up and specified by the plant operator must be observed. Surfaces
which come into contact with gas must be free of grease, oil, solvents and other impurities.
Never mix connection elements from different system suppliers to connect gas
Il est interdit de mélanger des raccords provenant de fournisseurs système
différents pour établir le raccordement gaz des appareils.
All gases must not be contaminated or adulterated when being transported
from the source (pipeline or cylinder) to the measurement device.
Only use permanently connected, tight, clean stainless-steel gas lines.
Fittings and pipe couplings with few dead spaces are to be preferred.
Route the gas pipelines to the GasLab Q2. Ensure that every pipeline and every gas route is fitted
with the required safety, shut-off and pressure regulation equipment. Shut-off valves and pressure
regulators are not parts of the measuring device and are not included in the scope of delivery. The
piping and safety devices must be installed in accordance with the applicable general rules and the
specifications in this manual.
The maximum pressure at the gas inlets of the device must not be exceeded, so as to prevent
damage and dangerous situations. This must be guaranteed on site by external protection
which is not part of the GasLab Q2.
La pression maximale spécifiée pour les entrées de gaz
de l’appareil ne doit pas être dépassée afin de prévenir les dommages sur l’appareil et les
situations dangereuses. Celle-ci doit être assurée par le client par une protection externe,
qui ne fait pas partie du GasLab Q2.
Refer to the information for setting the maximum pressure.
Respectez les instructions le réglage de la pression maximale!
2.5 Safety information about gases and pressures
After completion of the entire installation, when all gas and exhaust pipes are connected
and pressurised, a leak test must be carried out.
Une fois l'installation complète terminée,
lorsque tous les tuyaux de gaz et d'échappement sont raccordés et mis sous pression, un
test d'étanchéité doit être effectué.
As the test cannot be carried out on all parts when the unit is switched off, the leak test for
these parts must be carried out first or made up for later with the unit running.
Comme le
test ne peut pas être effectué sur toutes les pièces lorsque l'appareil est éteint, le test
d'étanchéité de ces pièces doit être effectué en premier lieu ou compensé ultérieurement
avec l'appareil en marche.